Updates to the Mobile App: Calendar, Public Search, Tracking & Social Media

The Grants.gov app launched in April 2018 to give you access to Grants.gov search and notification tools while on the go. With thousands of downloads and thoughtful feedback from our users, Grants.gov has released an update with more of the features you asked for.

First of all, thank you to everyone who has rated the app and provided feedback on both Google Play and Apple’s App Store. Your feedback has driven the Grants.gov team to make the following improvements:

Continue reading Updates to the Mobile App: Calendar, Public Search, Tracking & Social Media

Help Your Community Learn & Grow: Participate in the Grants.gov Discussion Forum

Anyone who is new to federal grants may feel overwhelmed by the complex forms and the prospect of managing and reporting on the use of federal award funds. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place to ask questions and have them answered by more seasoned federal grants pros?

Good news: There is – in the Grants.gov Community Discussion Forum. In June, Grants.gov added the discussion forum (login required) so that applicants, grantors and others with a Grants.gov account have a place to gather online, ask questions, and share resources.

Continue reading Help Your Community Learn & Grow: Participate in the Grants.gov Discussion Forum

Release 16.3 Preview: Related Opportunities, Password Reset & More

In October, Grants.gov will bring a set of enhancements and updates to improve the user experience with Release 16.3. Here are a few highlights:

Grants.gov will enhance security in the password reset process with an email authentication step.

Email Validation with Temporary Codes

Continue reading Release 16.3 Preview: Related Opportunities, Password Reset & More

Search, Subscribe, and Share from the Grants.gov App

With the new Grants.gov mobile app (on Google Play and Apple’s App Store), it is easier than ever to quickly search for, subscribe to, and share federal funding opportunities on the go.

Got a couple of minutes before your next meeting? Waiting in line for coffee?

Open the Grants.gov app & run a quick search for grants on the topic of your choice. You can even segment your search by funding provider.

Quick Search screen of the Grants.gov Mobile App. Enter a keyword to search.

Continue reading Search, Subscribe, and Share from the Grants.gov App

Grants.gov Has a New Resource for Applicants and Grantors – Discuss!

The latest Grants.gov release simplified the process for creating a workspace and also introduced a mobile app to boot. But that’s not all!

Registered Grants.gov users can now contribute to and collaborate in the discussion forum. Just login to Grants.gov, then click the Discussion Forum link under the Connect tab.

Grants.gov Discussion Forum banner

Here’s what you will find in the forum:

Continue reading Grants.gov Has a New Resource for Applicants and Grantors – Discuss!

Download the Grants.gov Mobile App

Now you can easily search for federal grant opportunities on your mobile device and setup different notifications—for new grants that meet your saved search criteria or changes to grants you are interested in. The official Grants.gov Mobile App is available for download today from Apple’s App Store or from Google Play.

The Grants.gov Mobile App

Continue reading Download the Grants.gov Mobile App

Release 16.2 This Weekend, April 21-22

This weekend Grants.gov is undergoing maintenance for Release 16.2, so the system will not be available until Monday, April 23, 2018. Also next week, the Grants.gov Mobile App will go live in Google Play and the Apple App Store.

release 16.2

To review the upcoming enhancements, you can read these Release Preview blog posts:

Continue reading Release 16.2 This Weekend, April 21-22

Release 16.2 Preview: Core Roles and Custom Roles in Workspace

With the coming system update, Grants.gov is adding “custom roles.” We will still have “core roles” (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR), which the majority of applicant organizations will continue to use.

Custom roles will allow “the privileges associated with these roles…to be mixed and matched with custom roles that applicant organizations can create and name for their own internal workflows.”

If this sounds like it may work better with your grant application process, more detailed information is available in the Release 16.2 Preview: Custom Roles to Give Applicant Organizations More Control post.

Pros and Cons for Using Custom Roles

Continue reading Release 16.2 Preview: Core Roles and Custom Roles in Workspace

Release Preview: Applying Made More Clear in R16.2

Based on community feedback, we are making it easier to start your grant application. After the release goes live April 23rd, you will find a red Apply button on the View Grant Opportunity page regardless of which tab of the funding opportunity announcement you are in.

View Grant Opportunity page

If you are not logged in to Grants.gov, the Apply button will first direct you to log in to Grants.gov, then you can quickly create a workspace to begin your grant application.

Before Release 16.2 goes live, to start your grant application you need to navigate to the View Grant Opportunity page, access the Package tab, click the Apply link in the tab, then click the Create Workspace button. So, this change saves you a couple clicks and some time.

Continue reading Release Preview: Applying Made More Clear in R16.2