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Office/Division Descriptions

The Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R;) is the principal advisor to the Secretary on overall Departmental policy, program evaluations, demonstrations, and research, and is responsible for providing economic information and analyses of housing and community development statistics and other data. PD&R; consists of the following offices:


Office of the Assistant Secretary

Vacant, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research

Todd M. Richardson, General Deputy Assistant Secretary

The following divisions are located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary.

Budget, Contracts, and Program Control Division

Patrick J. Tewey, Director

The Budget, Contracts, and Program Control Division serves as the primary focal point for the development, award, and administration of all PD&R; grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, and experimentation; reviewing and monitoring all contract work performed for PD&R; preparation and administration of the PD&R; program budget, including the preparation of budget estimates and budget justifications; and maintaining internal program fund controls and financial accountability, including debt collection.

Management and Administrative Services Division

Kimberly R. Collins, Director

The Management and Administrative Services Division is responsible for providing all administrative and management support for the Office of Policy Development and Research.

Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Philanthropic Affairs Division

Vacant, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Cynthia F. Campbell, Director

The International and Philanthropic Affairs Office coordinates the Department's international exchanges and contacts from the Office of Policy Development and Research, including diverse bilateral (e.g. Canada and Mexico) and multilateral (e.g. UN and OECD) programs concerning issues in housing policy, housing finance, urban development, and the environment. The staff also handles HUD appointments for foreign government officials and delegations -- about 400 foreign officials from 50 countries visit HUD each year for meetings to discuss policy and program operations.

Office of University Partnerships

Curtissa L. Coleman, Director

The Office of University Partnerships is committed to helping institutions of higher education expand their role and effectiveness in addressing community development needs in their localities, including neighborhood revitalization, housing and economic development that primarily benefits low- and moderate-income people. OUP is also committed to helping tribal institutions improve their campus facilities.

In support of this initiative and to further HUD’s strategic goals, OUP strives to create a dialogue between colleges/universities and communities to gain knowledge and support of partnership opportunities, with nonprofit organizations, financial institutions, foundations, and state and local governments to have a greater impact on addressing local housing and community development problems and revitalizing communities across the country.

OUP also strives to support and increase collaborative efforts with anchor institutions through the sponsorship of conferences, facilitating workshops and conducting research through its Research Partnerships Initiative which authorizes PD&R to enter into noncompetitive cooperative agreements for projects that are aligned with PD&R’s research priorities and where HUD can gain value by having substantial involvement in the research activity.

Office of Economic Affairs

Kurt G. Usowski, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Vacant, Associate DAS

The Office of Economic Affairs is responsible for providing economic information and analyses and policy recommendations to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, and the principal staff within the Department. The Office analyzes the economic impact of Departmental and other federal legislative proposals, directs surveys of national housing conditions, mortgage markets, and interest rates, and provides recommendations for Departmental policy and program analyses. The Office of Economic Affairs consists of these Divisions:

Economic Market Analysis Division

Peter B. Kahn, Director
Pamela R. Sharpe, Deputy Director

The Economic Market Analysis Division (EMAD) oversees HUD's field office economists who advise program managers, provide them with economic data and analysis, and conduct market analysis reviews of housing and community development applications. The division produces Fair Market Rents, income limits, annual inflation adjustment factors, Fair Share funds allocation factors used in HUD's assisted housing programs, and directs HUD's assisted housing quality control research program. The division also oversees and edits the regional summaries and local housing market profiles prepared by the field economists for HUD's quarterly publication, U.S. Housing Market Conditions.

Housing Finance Analysis Division

William J. Reeder, Director

The Housing Finance Analysis Division serves the Department with expert advice and analytical capacity on the current and alternative systems for financing single-family and multifamily housing in the United States. It is principally concerned with the operation and effects of alternative mechanisms, institutions, and rules that govern how and which individuals can gain access to loanable funds to purchase or improve single-family, owner-occupied properties, or multifamily rental properties. Areas of focus range from (1) the retail or primary mortgage market, where borrowers are connected to a variety of lenders (mortgage bankers, thrifts, commercial banks, etc.) with the aid of various credit enhancements, such as FHA, VA, or private mortgage insurance; to (2) the secondary mortgage market, where lenders are connected to investors with the aid of government-sponsored entities, such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, or private conduits. Division staff study and evaluate the balance between expanding access to mortgage funds and the risk of default loss and institutional insolvencies.

Housing and Demographic Analysis Division

Shawn J. Bucholtz, Director

The Housing and Demographic Analysis Division produces the American Housing Survey, supports the Survey of Construction, and sponsors other surveys that involve the cooperation of HUD and the Bureau of the Census. The division is the primary office involved in analyzing AHS data to support departmental policy making. The division works with the Census Bureau to support the President's homeownership initiative through monitoring and disseminating homeownership rates. The division also produces the quarterly publication, U.S. Housing Market Conditions, short- and long-term studies as departmental needs require, and data files on subsidized households.

Economic Development and Public Finance Division

Alastair McFarlane, Director

The Economic Development and Public Finance Division is responsible for all economic and regulatory analysis for the Department on all new rules and regulations as required by OMB. It also conducts policy research studies of public finance, economic development, taxation, and general economic policy as it affects housing, public sector financing, and community development. This responsibility includes development and monitoring of major databases, analysis of major economic and fiscal trends, research on major fiscal and economic policy development, and preparation of a biennial report to Congress on urban policy.

Office of Policy Development

David Byrd, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Marge F. Martin, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary

The Office of Policy Development (OPD) engages in policy analysis, policy development, research and data analysis, and dissemination of policy and research findings. In addition, OPD analyzes legislative proposals, develops legislative initiatives, interprets statutory guidance, and prepares regulatory guidance. OPD consists of two divisions that have distinct but related responsibilities.

Policy Development Division

Meena Bavan, Acting Director

The Policy Development Division’s (PDD’s) staff of analysts apply a wide range of expertise in housing and community development issues to develop and implement the Department’s policies and programs. These efforts include developing and recommending new or revised programs; developing, analyzing, and reviewing legislation, regulations, policy statements, reports, and budget analyses; coordinating the development of national housing and economic development policy with other federal agencies; drafting HUD policy studies on major housing and urban development issues; and carrying out other assignments of an urgent nature. The Division ensures the relevance of research to policy, advises on the policy implications of research, and is a key HUD resource for performance measurement data.

Research Utilization Division

Rachelle L. Levitt, Director
Eileen Faulkner, Deputy Director

The Research Utilization Division (RUD) ensures that research results and policy information reach the intended audiences efficiently and effectively. It provides housing and community development policy translation. It ensures effective dissemination and interpretation of PD&R research using in-print and online materials and face-to-face interactions. It disseminates PD&R’s reports; operates PD&R’s information service and clearinghouse, HUD USER; and oversees the development and maintenance of PD&R’s website, huduser.gov, and associated mobile applications. The Division develops programs, projects, and products designed to communicate often-complex information to potential users. RUD provides PD&R staff with editorial and writing support and manages conferences and workshops. RUD also manages the HUD Secretary’s award programs.

Office of Research, Evaluation, and Monitoring

Calvin C. Johnson, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Mark D. Shroder, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary

The Office of Research, Evaluation, and Monitoring conducts HUD research, evaluation, and monitoring efforts for a wide variety of HUD programs and activities. The Office is comprised of three divisions:

Program Evaluation Division

Carol S. Star, Director

The Program Evaluation Division is responsible for conducting and overseeing systematic and rigorous research on programs and experimental demonstrations operated by the Department. Research produced by this division provides policymakers with reliable, credible, data to inform policy decisions about the performance of the Department’s array of programs and innovative initiatives.

Program Monitoring and Research Division

Ted E. Payne, Director

The Program Monitoring and Research Division conducts research and carries out a variety of efforts designed to support and enhance Department-wide program monitoring. Division staff work closely with HUD's program offices in assembling, maintaining, and promoting the use of data and information describing HUD operations. For example, Division staff have been involved in the ongoing design and implementation of the MTCS and TRACS databases for the assisted housing programs, and have been actively involved in development of the MTC Support program monitoring system for use by headquarters and field staff. Particular areas of emphasis include research on HUD-insured multifamily housing, assisted housing, fair lending, rural and Indian housing, and the Moving to Opportunity demonstration.

Affordable Housing Research and Technology Division

Vacant, Director

The Affordable Housing Research and Technology Division conducts studies and provides research assistance on issues related to building codes, standards, and technologies; land use planning and housing issues related to “green” construction and energy efficiency; disaster preparedness and resilient construction, and housing and community planning addressing the needs of multiple age, income, and accessibility groups. Division studies include land use, affordable housing preservation, energy costs and public housing, affordable and innovative housing technologies, and the application of multiple academic disciplines to energy efficiency, accessibility, transportation, and affordability. The studies address key issues in assisted housing, mixed income, and market-rate communities.