Due to the lapse in Congressional Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is closed. HUD websites will not be updated until further notice. For more information, see HUD Contingency Plan for Possible Lapse in Appropriations.
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Family Unification Program Youth data

This report is based in part on surveys of public housing authorities and child welfare agencies.


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Agency (.sas, 3685 KB), (.xlsx, 49 KB)
Codebook (.pdf 573 KB)
Data Documentation (.pdf 1970 KB)
Formats (.sas 177 KB)
Partner (.sas, 33 KB), (.xlsx, 16 KB)
PCWA (.sas, 209 KB), (.xlsx, 69 KB)
PHA (.sas, 577 KB), (.xlsx, 87 KB)