Research & Policy

The Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) coordinates with federal partners to expand interagency procedures to collect and organize data on human trafficking, evaluate anti-trafficking programs, and carry out research to strengthen the nation’s response to human trafficking. 

  • Data Collection

    The project seeks to obtain a baseline understanding of human trafficking data collection systems; propose uniform data collection elements; and develop a user-friendly platform to collect and share data to better understand trends in victimization, gaps in services, and improvements to quality of care.  

  • Program Evaluation

    OTIP regularly monitors grant program performance and partners with the ACF Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation to assess key questions to evaluate anti-trafficking programs.

  • Research

    OTIP partners with multiple federal agencies and research institutions to support research on human trafficking through funding, technical assistance, and consultations. 

  • Policy

    OTIP produces information memoranda, fact sheets, program instructions, and other policy documents to provide guidance to anti-trafficking grantees, federal and local partners, and other stakeholders assisting survivors of trafficking and preventing human trafficking victimization.

  • U.S. Government Reports

    OTIP contributes to several federal and international reports on the U.S. government’s response to human trafficking. 

Last Reviewed: June 23, 2017

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