Posted: Thu, 06/23/2016 - 2:06pm Updated: Mon, 12/10/2018 - 8:18am

Draft ESSA Amendment & Public Comment

The Indiana Department of Education is seeking public comment on its proposed amendment to the State ESSA plan. If you wish to submit comments, please complete this form. Public comment will be accepted between November 19, 2018 and December 21, 2018. 

To review the proposed amendment, please access the following:

Current ESSA Documents

Document Name Description Date of Publication
ESSA Plan with Revisions Indiana’s ESSA plan, with revisions based on U.S. Department of Education Feedback January 8, 2018
ESSA Consolidated Plan Indiana’s ESSA Plan, as submitted to U.S. Department of Education  September 18, 2017
Assessment Summary A summary of the key points of the ‘Assessment’ section of the ESSA plan September 18, 2017
Accountability Summary A summary of the key points of the ‘Accountability’ section of the ESSA plan September 18, 2017
School Improvement Summary A summary of the key points of the ‘School Improvement’ section of the ESSA plan September 18, 2017
Supporting Excellent Educators Summary A summary of the key points of the ‘Supporting Excellent Educators’ section of the ESSA plan September 18, 2017
Supporting All Students Summary A summary of the key points of the ‘Supporting All Students’ section of the ESSA plan September 18, 2017

Previous ESSA Documents

Document Name Description Date of Publication
ESSA Plan - Draft Two A draft of the ESSA Plan Submitted to the Governor’s office for feedback August 15, 2017
ESSA Survey Feedback A summary of the stakeholder feedback from the public survey of the first draft of the ESSA plan August 15, 2017
ESSA Plan - Draft One The first draft of the ESSA plan June 30, 2017
Findings from Community Meetings A summary of findings from the ESSA Community Meetings, held in the Spring 2017 June 30, 2017


The Department of Education has recorded an informational webinar which is available on the IDOE website, titled Equitable Service to Non-Public Schools and an Overview of Changes in the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. This webinar goes into detail about the IDOE's plan for ESSA, as well as changes with ESSA, with specific respect to non-public schools. 

Both public and non-public schools will learn more about their rights and responsibilities with the new law and will understand the role of IDOE in this process. At the end of the presentation, please be sure to fill out the questionnaire as we will be posting FAQ's as part of the ongoing ESSA discussion. 

What is Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)?

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law on December 10, 2015. It reauthorizes the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was previously reauthorized as No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

The Indiana Department of Education is currently in the process of determining how the requirements of ESSA will translate into state education practice: which state practices will evolve as a result of ESSA, and which will remain the same. As a part of this work, the state remains committed to its mission of building an education system of equity and high quality that is focused on student-centered accountability.

Required State Plan Components

The Every Student Succeeds Act requires all participating states to submit a state plan for review by the United State Department of Education. The state ESSA plan must include details regarding the following required components:

  • Challenging State Academic Standards
  • Academic Assessments
  • Statewide Accountability Systems
  • School Support and Improvement Activities

The Indiana Plan Development Process

The Indiana Department of Education, in collaboration with a statewide network of educators and partners, will draft a plan describing how Indiana will meet the requirements of ESSA. Indiana has chosen to submit its ESSA plan to the U.S. Department of Education on September 18, 2017. In the coming weeks, the Department will release dates and times of our community meetings throughout the state.