Legacy HomepageNewsSpecial ReportsTravels with the SecretaryMattis Visits Washington, California

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August 2017
Travels with Jim Mattis, Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis traveled to Washington and California to meet with military leaders and service members. During the trip, Mattis spoke with submariners aboard the ballistic-missile submarine USS Kentucky at Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Wash., and toured the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental in Silicon Valley to check out new technologies to help the warfighter.

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Impact of Industry Innovation Will Continue to Grow at DoD

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks to a group of people at a table.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the impact of innovation from high-tech companies will continue to grow at the Defense Department during a briefing at DoD’s first innovation outpost in California’s Silicon Valley. Story

DoD’s Innovation Initiative Remains Top Priority, Secretary Says

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks to a group of people in a room.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters traveling with him in Washington and California that maintaining the Defense Department’s innovation initiative for the warfighter is a top priority for him, just as it was for his predecessor. Story

Secretary Travels to Washington, California

The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Kentucky transits the Hood Canal

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis met with submariners at Naval Base Kitsap, paid his first official visit to the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and met with technology industry leaders during a trip to Washington and California. Story

Travel Locations
Secretary Jim Mattis ABOUT THE SECRETARY

Jim Mattis became the 26th defense secretary Jan. 20, 2017. During more than four decades in uniform, he commanded Marines at all levels, including in combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a joint force commander, he commanded U.S. Joint Forces Command, NATO's Supreme Allied Command for Transformation and U.S. Central Command.