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Veterans Day

Honoring Our Nation's Veterans

"On Veterans Day, we reflect on the immeasurable burdens borne by so few in the name of so many, and we rededicate ourselves to supporting those who have worn America's uniform and the families who stand alongside them."

Proclamation - President Barack Obama, Nov. 5, 2015

News Stories

First Lady: Actions, Not Words, Are What Count on Vets Issue

Words are not enough when it comes to veterans -- action is, Michelle Obama said at a Joining Forces luncheon for women veterans. Obama spoke at the Vice President’s house with Dr. Jill Biden. The lunch highlighted the contributions of women veterans and the unique problems they face. Story

New Generation of Vets Continue Tradition of Service, Veterans Affairs Secretary Says

Each generation of veterans have served America "with great determination, personal toughness and willingness to risk it all for others,” Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald said. Story

Carter: 'Celebrate Each Generation' of Veterans Today, Every Day

Ash Carter

For nearly a century, Veterans Day has marked a sacred moment to remember those who have stepped forward to defend our nation and protect all that we hold dear, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said today in a special message to the force. Story

Obama Stresses Country's Debt to Veterans

President Obama standing at a podium.

Americans must do more than simply recognize what veterans mean to the country one day a year, President Barack Obama said. Story

More Stories


On Veterans Day: What I've Learned During My Time In Uniform

Uniformed Marines stand in a line.

Rob Diamond, the White House's Director of Private Sector Engagement, shares why he's proud to be a veteran working with President Obama. More

Honoring Our Veterans

Uniformed military soluting a grave while another person holds an American flag.

The Department of Veterans Affairs backlog is down, veterans can now get in-state tuition no matter where they live, and veteran homelessness has significantly decreased, according to White House officials. More

More Blogs

Thumbnail of Defense Secretary Ash Carter

"To our veterans – thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for our country, and for the many ways you continue to serve your communities and your nation. You are the living embodiment of the tradition and the promise that makes our nation great today and inspires us for the future."

Defense Secretary Ash Carter
Nov. 11, 2015
Thumbnail of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph F. Dunford Jr.

"To all veterans I want to thank you for your service, not just for your time in uniform, but also for the leadership you're providing in your communities every day. You continue to make a difference across our nation, and I couldn’t be more proud."

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joseph F. Dunford Jr.

Nov. 11, 2015

More Leader Messages