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FY2018 Budget Proposal | Get Ready. Get Balanced. Get Bigger and More Lethal.

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Marine Corps Commandant Looks to Improve Readiness

The fiscal year 2018 budget will allow the Marine Corps to accelerate its modernization efforts in aviation and increase the number of Marines in the cyber and information warfare sectors, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert B. Neller said. Story

  • This graphic reflects the Defense Department topline for fiscal years 2001 to 2018, with the base budget, overseas contingency operations and other budget for 2018 being 639 billion dollars.
  • The FY2018 defense budget priorities include improving warfighter readiness,  achieving program balance by addressing pressing shortfalls and building a larger, more capable and more lethal joint force.
  • Major investments include $22.2 billion in aircraft spending, $18.8 billion in shipbuilding, $7.5 billion in preferred munitions, ground systems and missile defense, $13.2 billion in science and technology innovation and $8 billion in supporting military families.
  • Total number of service members to include active, guard and reserve by the end of FY2018 include; 1,018,000 soldiers; 386,900 sailors; 223, 500 Marines; 501,500 airmen.

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