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Travels with Dunford
Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford traveled on the annual USO tour, where he met with service members deployed during the holidays.


USO Troupe Visits Base at Heart of European Assurance, Deterrence

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford and his senior enlisted advisor, Army Command Sgt. Maj. John W. Troxell, chose Grafenwoehr as one of the stops on the USO Tour this year because they wanted to go to bases that are doing important work and "are kind of hard to get to." Story

Troop Efforts Over Past Year Have Made America Safer, Dunford Says

While visiting service members in Afghanistan, Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford said America is safer thanks to the sacrifices U.S. service members and their families have made in the past year. Story

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About the Chairman

Photo of General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.

Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dunford is the 19th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the president, secretary of defense, and National Security Council. Biography