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Quick Impact Placebased (QuIP) Grant

This grant is designed to fund the type of space enhancement and community transformation that sparks community wide conversation and creativity. It is OCRA's belief that these types of social and built environments should occur at the local level and be community driven. It is the people, places and spaces that make Indiana a great place to live. Placemaking involves a working partnership with local governments, residents, community groups, and organizations as well as business and community agencies. OCRA encourages these projects to be community unique and locally inspired.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Community groups or organizations
  • Local units of government
  • Schools (all schools including elementary through high school, college, university, trade and vocational)

Please note: grantees awarded a QuIP in 2017 or 2018, you are not eligible to apply in 2019.

The most competitive applications will likely demonstrate strong partnership. We strongly encourage youth (students of all ages and recent graduate or graduate age individuals) in the project design and implementation.

Eligible projects examples: (This should not serve as an inclusive list - please be unique)

  • Alley activation: Art Alley
  • Creative project to showcase community identity
  • Enhancement of existing or underutilized public assets into a new or usable space
  • Interactive life-size games or game sheds for public use
  • Pop-up public gathering spots
  • Transforming vacant store fronts
  • Unique signage or identifiers

There are many eligible projects. These dollars should be used to create a small change that spurs conversation and community engagement. The space should in some way be transformed for the better.  Existing and underutilized assets should include a new or additional use. Art should be an overall component of your community transformation and used as an agent of change.

Ineligible projects include:

  • Administration fees, including grant writing or administration
  • Demolition
  • Events
  • Food, drink or alcohol
  • Gaming and/or gambling activities
  • Illegal or unsanctioned activities
  • One-time use activities or products
  • Plants, greenery, shrubs or anything of that nature
  • Expansion of previous QuIP awarded projects
  • Public restrooms
  • Salaries
  • Small funding portion of a much larger project - grant amount cannot be less than 10% of total project cost (Ex: request for $5,000 of a $75,000 project would be ineligible)
  • Spaces that are not open to the public
  • Taxes
  • WiFi


Grant requests between must be within $2,500 and $5,000 and a local match of 1 to 0.5 is required. For each QuIP dollar requested, the match must be one half dollar. Of that, the match can be either cash, in-kind contributions, or a combination of both.

Program Information Resources

2019 Forms included in application

If your QUIP will be located in a historical district, be sure to complete these:


Please review the 2019 timeline on our calendar. Questions should be directed to your OCRA Community Liaison.