Disaster Recovery

Information and resources for dealing with the unexpected.

When a natural disaster strikes, communities that are affected can coordinate with DCED to begin the recovery process.

The commonwealth Recovery Resources Team (RRT), co-chaired by DCED, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA), and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), coordinates and strategically directs funding and other resources to address the long-term recovery of needs of communities that experienced a declared disaster.

The RRT recommends appropriate changes to recovery elements of the state and federal programs and may provided communities and organizations with additional assistance.

The Team consists of six working groups to address specific disaster needs: economic, infrastructure, community planning and capacity building, natural and cultural resources, housing, and health and social services.

Organizational Chart

Disaster Recovery


To view all resources related to PA Disaster Recovery, visit the Disaster Recovery Library.

For information on resiliency and the current work being done on the proposed Resilient PA Initiative, view our library.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers several resources for the National Disaster Recovery Framework. To see a complete list, visit fema.gov.

Other Disaster Assistance Programs


If you are a community or local government leader with concerns, questions or comments, please contact our Recovery Resources Team. Since the RRT does not handle individual recovery claim issues, individuals seeking recovery resources should visit the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) website.