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CN Labeling

Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling Program

Last Published: 04/21/2017

The USDA, Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling Program provides food manufacturers the option to include a standardized food crediting statement on their product label. Labels must be authorized by USDA, FNS prior to use and manufacturers must have quality control procedures and inspection oversight that meet the FNS requirements. Products produced in accordance with the CN Labeling Program are generally purchased by foodservice providers for FNS meal programs.

General Background

  • Who runs the Program?
  • How does the Program work?
  • What products can and cannot be CN labeled?
  • Are manufacturers required to CN label products?
  • Summary of CN Labeling Program  

Authorized Labels and Manufacturers

  • CN Label Manufacturers Report
  • CN Label Verification Report
  • National Marine Fisheries Service Establishment Numbers
  • Food Safety and Inspection Service Establishment Numbers    

Food Manufacturers/Industry

  • CN Labeling Policies and Procedures
  • Quality Control (QC) Requirements
  • Monitoring QC Compliance
  • Transition of CN Label Review Function from FNS to AMS
  • Program Manuals
  • Helpful Links
  • Tips for Submitting CN Labels
  • CN Label Reviews
  • Manufacturers Product Formulation Statement (PFS)    

FNS Meal Programs

  • What are the advantages of using CN labels
  • Are CN labeled products more nutritious?
  • Do CN labeled products cost more?
  • How do I identify a CN label?

For additional information about the CN Labeling Program contact:

Child Nutrition Labeling Program Operations Office
USDA, AMS, FV, PPBStop 0247, Room 0710-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
Phone:(202) 720-9939
Fax: (202) 690-3824