
OTIP aims to develop a culture of data-informed policy.  Policy resources include information memoranda, fact sheets, program instruction, and other policy documents on a variety of topics ranging from clarification of legislation and its impact on programs, to systemic issues that affect populations at risk of trafficking, to expanded details of OTIP programs and services.

Policy Documents

  • Fact Sheets (FS) provide brief information on programs, services, and special topics
  • Information Memorandum (IM) provide basic information to stakeholders and the public about OTIP program activities, initiatives, partnerships with other agencies, research findings, and special topics of interest
  • Program Instruction (PI) provide information to grantees and other stakeholders on policies, procedures, and processes for policy and program implementation
  • Questions and Answers (QA) provide questions and answers on OTIP program policies
  • Federal Register Notices are published in the Federal Register, providing information or invite comment on issues under consideration

Recent Policy Documents

Family and Youth Services Bureau Resources

Children's Bureau Trafficking Resources

Last Reviewed: September 25, 2017

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