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NPDB Infographics


What is the NPDB?

What is the NPDB?

An infographic that explains how the NPDB works to protect the public.

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NPDB Terms Graphic

Important NPDB Terms

An infographic that explains important NPDB terms. New

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Practitioner's Guide to the NPDB

A Practitioner's Guide to the NPDB

An infographic for health care professionals that explains how the NPDB works, and how they can interact with it.

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An infographic that explains the Self-Query process.

Get Your NPDB Self-Query

An infographic that explains how to get a Self-Query.

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Continuous Query Infographic

3 Reasons to Activate Continuous Query

An infographic that discusses how Continuous Query helps organizations.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic for Can I Query the NPDB

Can My Organization Query?

An infographic that summarizes who can query the NPDB.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic for How to Query

How Do I Query?

An infographic for how to query the NPDB.

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Mini Image of the NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting Clinical Priviledge Actions Infographic

NPDB Guide to Reporting Clinical Privileges Actions

An infographic for reporting Clinical Privileges actions.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting State Licensure Actions

NPDB Guide to Reporting State Licensure Actions

An infographic for reporting State licensure actions.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting MMPR

NPDB Guide to Reporting Medical Malpractice Payments

An infographic for reporting Medical Malpractice Payments.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting Civil Judgments

NPDB Guide to Reporting Civil Judgments

This infographic provides a visual guide for reporting.

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Mini image of the NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting Criminal Convictions

NPDB Guide to Reporting Criminal Convictions

This infographic provides a visual guide for reporting.

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Mini NPDB Infographic Guide to Reporting Other Adjudicated Actions or Decisions

NPDB Guide to Reporting Other Adjudicated Actions or Decisions

This infographic provides a visual guide for reporting.

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Compliance Infographic

Attestation 101

An infographic that explains the Attestation process.

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An infographic that explains the Self-Query process.

Is My Organization an Entity or an Agent

An infographic that explains the difference between entities and agents.

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Compliance Infographic

September 1st NPDB Compliance Posting

An infographic that shows the September 1, 2017 results of the compliance efforts by the NPDB.

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Compliance Infographic

July 1st NPDB Compliance Posting

An infographic that shows the July 1, 2017 results of the compliance efforts by the NPDB.

See the full infographic
Compliance Infographic

May 1st NPDB Compliance Posting

An infographic that shows the May 1, 2017 results of the compliance efforts by the NPDB.

See the full infographic
Compliance Infographic

November 1st Compliance Posting

An infographic that shows the results of the latest compliance efforts by the NPDB.

See the full infographic
Compliance Infographic

August 1st Compliance Posting

An infographic that shows the August 1, 2016 results of the compliance efforts by the NPDB.

See the full infographic

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