Images of Avian Influenza A H7N9

For sound and video clips, visit CDC Laboratory Works on H7N9 at CDC Media Relations Audio/Video Resources.

Genetic Evolution of H7N9 Virus in China

This diagram depicts the origins of the H7N9 virus from China and shows how the virus's genes came from other influenza viruses in birds.

This diagram depicts the origins of the H7N9 virus from China and shows how the virus’s genes came from other influenza viruses in birds.

H7N9 Virus Origin Diagram Cdc-pdf[129 KB, 1 page]
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Electron Micrograph Images of H7N9 Virus from China

Electron Micrograph Images of H7N9 Virus from China


Influenza A H7N9 as viewed through an electron microscope. Both filaments and spheres are observed in this photo.

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H7N9 virus – Image B Large

Electron Micrograph Images of H7N9 Virus from China


Spherical influenza A H7N9 virus as viewed through an electron microscope.

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H7N9 virus – Image C Large

Electron Micrograph Images of H7N9 Virus from China


Spherical influenza A H7N9 virus as viewed through an electron microscope.

H7N9 virus – Image D Large

Electron Micrograph Images of H7N9 Virus from China


Spherical influenza A H7N9 virus as viewed through an electron microscope.

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Images of H7N9 Virus Detection Kits

A freezer contains CDC’s H7N9 reagent kits for international shipment.


A freezer contains CDC’s H7N9 reagent kits for international shipment.

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Diagnostic Kits – Image B Large

A packaged CDC reagent kit for detecting H7N9 virus


A packaged CDC reagent kit for detecting H7N9 virus

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CDC Scientist working with H7N9 Virus

A CDC Scientist harvests H7N9 virus that has been grown for sharing with partner laboratories for research purposes


A CDC Scientist harvests H7N9 virus that has been grown for sharing with partner laboratories for research purposes.

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A CDC scientist measures the amount of H7N9 virus that has been grown and harvested in CDC’s laboratory


A CDC scientist measures the amount of H7N9 virus that has been grown and harvested in CDC’s laboratory.

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A CDC scientist uses a pipette to transfer H7N9 virus into vials for sharing with partner laboratories for public health research purposes


A CDC scientist uses a pipette to transfer H7N9 virus into vials for sharing with partner laboratories for public health research purposes.

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A CDC Scientist harvests H7N9 virus that has been grown for sharing with partner laboratories for research purposes


A CDC Scientist harvests H7N9 virus that has been grown for sharing with partner laboratories for research purposes.

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