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Community » Community and Economic Development Programs


Office of Community Development
(614) 466-2285

Target of Opportunity Grant Programs

The Office of Community Development'sTarget of Opportunity Grant Programs provide a means to fund worthwhile projects and activities that do not fit within the structure of existing programs, and to provide supplemental resources to resolve immediate and unforeseen needs.

Eligible applicants may apply for target of opportunity funds by submitting a pre-application or letter of interest to the Office of Community Development.

The primary goal of the Emergency Shelter Program is to provide funds for critical activities at existing OCD-funded emergency shelter locations. As a secondary priority and based on need and availability, these funds may also be used to fund activities of an emergency nature at OCD-funded organizations that serve homeless populations through other supportive housing models as well as organizations providing emergency shelter, but not receiving OCD homeless assistance funds. All activities must be of an emergency nature or include needs that could not be anticipated during the normal funding program cycle.

Eligible cities, counties and villages can apply for CDBG Target of Opportunity funds economic development projects that create and/or retain permanent job opportunities that are not eligible for Economic Development Program funding or feasible within the guidelines of the Economic Development Program; community development projects that are not feasible in other funding categories; downtown Targets of Opportunity projects. Only single building projects will be considered. To qualify, building must be on the National Register of Historic Places, in the Ohio Historic Inventory or in a Local Historic District; and imminent threat grants covered by the Federal CDBG Regulation (Section 570.432).