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2016 Year in Review

This report highlights the Defense Department's top 10 issues in 2016. During the year, DoD continued to counter terrorism and proceed with missions in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Afghanistan. Defense Secretary Ash Carter expanded efforts to build the Force of the Future while seeking new technologies, promoting the well-being of troops and pushing for a budget to maintain what he calls the finest fighting force the world has ever known.

  • 1 Delivering ISIL a Lasting Defeat

    Delivering ISIL a Lasting Defeat

  • 2 Building the Force Of the Future

    Building the Force of the Future

  • 3 Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific

    Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific Region

  • 4 Standing with our European Allies

    Standing With Our European Allies

  • 5 Thinking Outside the Five-Sided-Box

    Thinking Outside the Five-Sided Box

  • 6 Resolute Support for Afghan Security Forces

    Resolute Support for Afghan Security Forces

  • 7 Investing for the Future

    Investing for the Future

  • 8 Recognizing Our Best

    Recognizing Our Best

  • 9 A New Generation of Defense Leaders

    A New Generation of Defense Leaders

  • 10 Taking Care of Our People

    Taking Care of Our People