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Enlisted Rank Insignias

Service members in pay grades E-1 through E-3 are usually either in some kind of training status or on their initial assignment. The training includes the basic training phase where recruits are immersed in military culture and values and are taught the core skills required by their service component.

Visit Web Specials on Basic Training: Army/Marines and AF/Navy

Basic training is followed by a specialized or advanced training phase that provides recruits with a specific area of expertise or concentration. In the Army and Marines, this area is called a military occupational specialty; in the Navy it is known as a rate; and in the Air Force it is simply called an Air Force specialty.

Army: * For rank and precedence within the Army, specialist ranks immediately below corporal. Among the services, however, rank and precedence are determined by pay grade.

Navy / Coast Guard: * A specialty mark in the center of a rating badge indicates the wearer's particular rating. ** Gold stripes indicate 12 or more years of good conduct. *** 1. Master chief petty officer of the Navy and fleet and force master chief petty officers. 2. Command master chief petty officers wear silver stars. 3. Master chief petty officers wear silver stars and silver specialty rating marks

The U.S. Coast Guard is a part of the Department of Homeland Security in peacetime and the Navy in times of war. Coast Guard rank insignia are the same as the Navy except for color and the seaman recruit rank, which has one stripe. 



Coast Guard

Marine Corps

Air Force

E1 Private Seaman Recruit (SR) Private Airman Basic
E2 Private E-2 (PV2) Army E2 Seaman Apprentice (SA) Navy E2 Private First Class (PFC) Marines E2 Airman (Amn) Air Force E2
E3 Private First Class (PFC) PFC Seaman (SN) SN Lance Corporal (LCpl) LCpl Airman First Class (A1C) A1C
E4 Corporal (CPL) CPL Specialist (SPC) SPC Petty Officer Third Class(PO3) ** PO3 Corporal (Cpl) CPL Senior Airman (SrA) SrA



Coast Guard

Marine Corps

Air Force

Leadership responsibility significantly increases in the mid-level enlisted ranks. This responsibility is given formal recognition by use of the terms noncommissioned officer and petty officer. An Army sergeant, an Air Force staff sergeant, and a Marine corporal are considered NCO ranks. The Navy NCO equivalent, petty officer, is achieved at the rank of petty officer third class.

E5 Sergeant (SGT) SGT_Army Petty Officer
Second Class (PO2) ** PO2
Sergeant (Sgt) SGT_marines Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Air Force SSgt
E6 Staff Sergeant (SSG) Army SSG Petty Officer
First Class (PO1) ** PO1
Staff Sergeant (SSgt) Marines SSgt Technical Sergeant (TSgt) Air Force TSgt
E7 Sergeant First Class (SFC) SFC Chief Petty Officer (CPO) ** CPO Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) GySgt Master Sergeant (MSgt) MSgt First Sergeant 1st Sgt



Coast Guard

Marine Corps

Air Force

At the E-8 level, the Army, Marines and Air Force have two positions at the same pay grade. Whether one is, for example, a senior master sergeant or a first sergeant in the Air Force depends on the person's job. The same is true for the positions at the E-9 level. Marine Corps master gunnery sergeants and sergeants major receive the same pay but have different responsibilities. All told, E-8s and E-9s have 15 to 30 years on the job, and are commanders' senior advisers for enlisted matters.

A third E-9 element is the senior enlisted person of each service. The sergeant major of the Army, the sergeant major of the Marine Corps, the master chief petty officer of the Navy and the chief master sergeant of the Air Force are the spokespersons of the enlisted force at the highest levels of their services.

E8 Master Sergeant (MSG) Army MSG First Sergeant (1SG) Army 1st SG Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) ** SCPO Master Sergeant (MSgt) Marines MSgt First Sergeant Marines 1st Sgt Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt) Air Force SMSgt First Sergeant Air Force 1st Sgt
E9 Sergeant Major (SGM) Army SGM Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Army CSM Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO)
*** MCPO
Fleet/Command Master Chief Petty Officer
*** Fleet MCPO
Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Marines MGySgt Sergeant Major (SgtMaj) Marines SgtMaj Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) CMSgt First Sergeant 1st Sgt Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant Command CMSgt
E9 Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) SMA Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)
Coast Guard (MCPOCG) MCPON
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SgtMajMC) SgtMajMC Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF) CMSAF