Uniform Commercial Code

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UCC Connect provides online services for UCC inquiries, filings, copy and debtor search certificate requests and more.

Attention UCC customers:

In order to prevent identity theft and protect the personal privacy of people whose information appears in the documents filed with the Secretary of State (SOS), social security numbers have been removed ("redacted") from all copies and electronic images of UCC records filed prior to December 31, 2007 made available to the public. In addition, the SOS is redacting any social security number provided on a record filed on paper. For more information, please see Social Security Number Redaction.

UCC filings are public records. Please do not put people at risk of identity theft by including social security numbers or any nonessential personal information on any documents for filing with the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State’s office is the central filing office for certain financing statements and other lien documents provided for in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Filing with our office serves to perfect a security interest in named collateral and establish priority in case of debtor default or bankruptcy.

Additional codes which authorize filing with the Secretary of State’s office are the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) sections 697.510–697.670 for Judgment Liens; CCP sections 488.300–488.485 for Attachment Liens; CCP sections 2100–2107 for Federal Tax Liens and the Government Code sections 7170–7174 for State Tax Liens.