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Title XIV rules: mortgage origination

As a result of Title XIV of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, we issued a number of rules on mortgage origination including Ability to Repay/Qualified Mortgages, HOEPA, and Loan Originator Compensation. Regulatory Implementation provides these resources because timely and efficient regulatory implementation of new rules is an important factor in delivering consumer protections to the market.

Quick references

Supervision and examination materials

Our Supervision and Examination Manual is a guide to how we will supervise and examine consumer financial service providers under our jurisdiction for compliance with federal consumer financial law.

Our Readiness Guide provides guidelines for institutions to evaluate their readiness and help them comply with mortgage rule changes made through July 24, 2015.

Additional materials

Rural or underserved counties

Businesses that operate predominantly in rural or underserved counties are exempt from certain requirements.

Use our rural and underserved counties page to access lists of rural or underserved counties or tools that determine whether a property location is in such a county.

Lenders can use our find a housing counselor tool to meet RESPA requirements to generate a list of housing counseling agencies for each applicant.

Consumer handbooks

Booklets are available now for download and print orders.

Appendix Q

Among other criteria, “qualified mortgages” generally must possess a total monthly debt-to-income ratio (DTI) of no more than 43 percent . Regulation Z’s appendix Q contains detailed requirements for determining the “debt” and “income” factors in the calculation.