photo of two first responders attending to an unconcious woman laying on the grass.
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Ready Responder

Get Informed

  • Know what disasters could affect your area, which could call for an evacuation and when to shelter in place.
  • Keep a NOAA Weather Radio tuned to your local emergency station and monitor TV, radio, and follow mobile alert and mobile warnings about severe weather in your area.
  • Download the FEMA app, receive weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five different locations anywhere in the United States.

First responders who are well-prepared will have the peace of mind to focus on the task at hand, rather than worrying about whether their family is taken care of.

  1. Build an emergency supply kit.

  2. Make a family emergency plan.

  3. Be informed about the types of emergencies that you may be called upon to respond to, and teach your family about what they should do when a disaster strikes.

  4. Prepare for any special considerations like individuals with access or functional needs, older adults, children, and pets.

Make An Agency Plan

Take the time to outline how the program will operate and what the expectations are for your organization using the Ready Responder Toolkit (PDF). A successful organizational preparedness program needs:

  • A clear vision

  • Actionable objectives and goals

  • Defined deliverables and timelines

  • Regular reviews

  • Identify potential obstacle and challenges

Associated Content

The "Ready Responder: Law Enforcement's and Firefighters Guide, Preparing Your Family for Emergencies," presentation is designed to provide agencies with a customizable template to promote emergency preparedness information to law enforcement or firefighters and their families.