New Hampshire

Date: 11/05/2013 Description: New Hampshire state seal © Public Domain
Date: 11/05/2013 Description: New Hampshire state flag © Public Domain

Fast Fact

The Treaty of Portsmouth, negotiated in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, formally ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. More»

The State Department yields a large return for the American people by advancing U.S. national security, promoting our economic interests, providing services, and reaffirming our country’s exceptional role in the world. Read on to learn how the work of the Department benefits this state’s residents.

  • Jobs and Diplomacy

  • The National Visa Center, located in Portsmouth, employs 750 individuals and handles centralized pre-processing and scheduling of immigrant visas. Combined with the National Passport Center, which employs more than 800 individuals and maintains 24/7 operations, the Department is one of the largest employers in the Portsmouth area. (CA)
  • New Hampshire hosted 3,693 foreign physicians, teachers, camp counselors, au pairs and others as part of work and study-based Exchange Visitor Program in 2016. (ECA) More»
  • The Bureau of Diplomatic Security provided approximately $20,000 to New Hampshire-based vendors for procurement of goods and services. (DS) More»
  • In FY17, New Hampshire received approval to export $1,506,147,479 worth of defense articles and services licensed by the Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. (PM) More»
  • The Department of State, in partnership with agencies across the federal government, creates jobs for American workers by opening markets and eliminating trade barriers overseas and by attracting foreign direct investment to the United States. Goods exports of $5.1 billion (2017) support approximately 19,334 New Hampshire jobs (2016). Foreign direct investment into New Hampshire supports an additional 43,700 jobs (2015). (EB) More»
  • Click here for more information about Department career recruitment events in New Hampshire. (HR)
  • Education

  • Diplomat-in-Residence (Jon Danilowicz): Diplomats in Residence (DIRs) are career Foreign Service Officers or Specialists located throughout the U.S. who provide guidance and advice to students, professionals and the community about Department careers. (HR) More»
  • 16 Scholars, Students and Teachers from New Hampshire were awarded a Fulbright Scholarship, and 7 international students received a Fulbright to study in New Hampshire in academic year 2017-18. (ECA) More»
  • 4,671 international higher education students studied abroad in New Hampshire in academic year 2016-17. (ECA) More»
  • 185 exchange visitors from overseas visited New Hampshire, and 115 New Hampshire residents travelled overseas as part of the Department’s educational and cultural exchange funded programs in 2015. (ECA) More»
  • In 2015, U.S. Embassy Buenos Aires, along with the binational U.S.-Argentina Fulbright Commission, launched the Friends of Fulbright Undergraduate Student Exchange Program. This Public-Private Partnership sent 50 undergraduate students to study in the United States for six weeks in 2016. Another 145 students traveled in 2017, and there were 289 students in the 2018 cohort. Twenty students in the 2017-2018 cohort studied at the University of New Hampshire. (WHA) More»
  • The University of New Hampshire and Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza (Peru) partnered to encourage marginalized students from the Andean and Amazonian regions to develop theoretical-practical skills in crop management and improve their language skills in English and Spanish. The exchange is part of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund, the dynamic public-private sector collaboration between the U.S. Department of State, Embassies, NGOs, companies, and foundations that inspires U.S. higher education institutions to team up with their counterparts in the rest of the Western Hemisphere. (WHA) More»
  • The Fulbright Arctic Initiative co-sponsored an Arctic Wellness conference with Dartmouth University in January 2016. Participants included representatives from all eight Arctic countries as well as the Arctic Council’s six permanent participants. A representative from the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs attended the conference and presented on One Health, a concept that integrates human health, animal health, and ecology. Subsequently, Dartmouth convened a Model Arctic Council session focused on One Health in June 2017, with in person and remote participation from OES/OPA and OES/IHB. (ECA/OES) More»
  • Partnerships

  • Refugee Arrivals in Fiscal Year 2017: 339. The Department works with nine domestic non-governmental organizations, which place refugees with more than 325 affiliates in roughly 190 communities around the country. These local affiliates work closely with community partners, congregations, volunteers, and state and local officials to provide a successful start for refugees rebuilding their lives. Refugee communities have historically enhanced the economic dynamism and cultural vitality of our nation. Refugees contribute to the United States in numerous ways, including by starting businesses and joining the U.S. military. This program helps the world’s most vulnerable refugees find permanent homes, and it demonstrates the immense generosity of the American people. (PRM) More»
  • 30 emerging leaders studied or participated in a fellowship in New Hampshire on one of the Young Leaders initiatives in 2017. (ECA) More»
  • New Hampshire residents in the Global Ties U.S. network volunteered 2,809 hours of their time in 2017 to host or support International Visitor Leadership Program and other exchange participants who visited the state. (ECA) More»
  • The Department of State facilitates the New Hampshire National Guard’s State Partnership Program with El Salvador, founded in 2000. (PM) More»
  • With State Department support, through the Department of Justice Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance, and Training (DOJ/OPDAT), a federal prosecutor from New Hampshire has been deployed to Algeria to serve as a Resident Legal Advisor responsible for providing specialized training and mentoring on terrorism-related investigations and prosecutions in North Africa. (CT) More»
  • Travel and Security

  • Total Passports Issued in Fiscal Year 2017: 92,589. (CA) More»
  • In Fiscal Year 2016, the Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) issued visas to 25 children who were adopted by U.S. citizens from New Hampshire. Intercountry adoption is one CA's highest priorities. CA's Office of Children’s Issues plays an active role in the intercountry adoption process and works diligently to establish and maintain intercountry adoption as a viable option throughout the world. (CA/OCS) More»
  • The Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is the law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State and maintains one of 21 domestic resident offices in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Regional responsibility includes protecting the integrity of U.S. travel documents by investigating passport and visa fraud, serving on federal and state law enforcement task forces, combatting terrorism and human trafficking, as well as protecting the Secretary of State and other domestic and foreign dignitaries. The Portsmouth Resident Office reports to the Boston Field Office. (DSS) More»