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Data & Statistics

CDC uses datasets from parent surveys and healthcare claims to understand diagnosis and treatment patterns for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). On this page you can review information from different studies.

How many children have ADHD?

The percent of children estimated to have ADHD has changed over time and its measurement can vary. The American Psychiatric Association states in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5, 2013) that 5% of children have ADHD1. However, other studies in the US have estimated higher rates in community samples.

In 2016:

  • The estimated number of children and adolescents ever diagnosed with ADHD, according to parent report, was consistent with previous estimates from the National Survey of Children’s Health.
Estimated number of children who ever had ADHD, in millions
Estimated number of children ever diagnosed with ADHD in millions

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NSCH 2003-2011: National Survey of Children’s Health, telephone survey data; estimate includes children 4-17 years of age [Read key findings]  

Redesigned NSCH 2016: Now an online and mail survey, estimate includes children 2-17 years of age [Read key findings]

*Note: Because the 2016 NSCH survey used different methods, estimates are not directly comparable with estimates based on previous NSCH data. Because of an increased focus on ADHD in younger children, age ranges were expanded to include children 2-17 years of age.

In 2016:

  • Approximately 9.4% of children 2-17 years of age (6.1 million) had ever been diagnosed with ADHD, according to parent report in 2016. [Read key findings]
    • Ages 2-5: Approximately 388,000 children
    • Ages 6-11: Approximately 2.4 million children
    • Ages 12-17: Approximately 3.3 million children

Parent report on ADHD diagnosis in previous years:

  • The percent of children 4-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD had previously increased, from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011-12. [Read key findings]
  • The number of young children (ages 2-5) who had ADHD at the time of the survey increased by more than 50% from the 2007-2008 survey to the 2011-12 survey. [Read key findings]

Learn more about ADHD rates, diagnosis, and medications throughout the years.

State-based Information about ADHD Diagnosis (2003-2012)

How many children with ADHD have another disorder?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often occurs with other disorders and conditions.

Parent report:

In 2016, among U.S. children ages 2-17 years:

Percentage of children with ADHD and another disorder
Percentage of children with ADHD and another disorder

Note: Data from the redesigned National Survey of Children’s Health. Parents reported on other conditions that the child currently had at the time of the survey (2016).

How many children are receiving treatment for ADHD?

Treatment for ADHD can include behavior therapy and medication. For children 6 years of age and older, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends both behavior therapy and medication as good options, preferably both together. For young children (under 6 years of age) with ADHD, behavior therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment, before medication is tried.  Read more about the recommendations

There are no comprehensive data on ADHD treatment from a single source. CDC uses parent report and healthcare claims data to understand treatment patterns. Estimates for treatment patterns can differ based on the type of data source.

Parent report:

In 2016:

  • The percent of all children 2-17 years of age in the U.S. taking ADHD medication was 5.2%. [Read article]
  • Among children with ADHD, 62% were taking ADHD medication. [Read article]
    • Ages 2-5: 18%
    • Ages 6-11:  69%
    • Ages 12-17: 62%
  • The percent of children 2-17 years of age with ADHD who received behavioral treatment was 47%. [Read article]
    • Ages 2-5: 60%
    • Ages 6-11:  51%
    • Ages 12-17: 42%
  • Among children 2-17 years of age with current ADHD, about 77% were receiving treatment. [Read article] Of these children:
    • About 30% were treated with medication alone.
    • About 15% received behavioral treatment alone.
    • About 32% children with ADHD received both medication treatment and behavioral treatment,
    • About 23% children with ADHD were receiving neither medication treatment nor behavioral treatment.

More Information on Treatment and Services for Children with ADHD Ages 4-17 (2014)

  • Among children with ADHD, parents reported that just under 9 out of 10 children received school support at some point in their lives, which includes school accommodations and help in the classroom. [Read key findings]
  • Among children with ADHD, 6 out of 10 children received some type of psychosocial treatment at some point in their lives: [Read key findings]
    • 3 out of 10 received parent-delivered behavior therapy.
    • 4 out of 10 received social skills training.
    • 3 out of 10 received peer interventions.
    • 2 out of 10 received cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Among children with ADHD, parents also reported on alternative treatments: [Read key findings]
    • About 1 out of 10 children received neurofeedback.
    • About 2 out of 10 children had taken dietary supplements.

State-based Information about ADHD medication treatment (2007-2012)

Healthcare claims data:

In addition to parent report, healthcare claims data from Medicaid or employer-sponsored insurance provide another way to understand treatment patterns:

  • About 3 in 4 children ages 2-5 years with ADHD recorded in their health care claims from 2008-2014 received ADHD medication, and fewer than half received any form of psychological services. [Read article]
  • During 2008–2011, children ages 2–5 years covered by Medicaid were twice as likely to receive clinical care for ADHD compared with similar-aged children covered by commercial employer sponsored insurance. [Read article]

State-based Information: ADHD Medication and Behavior Therapy among Children with ADHD (Ages 4-17) with Special Health Care Needs (2009-10)

Map showing: Use of ADHD medication and behavioral therapy among children with ADHD (ages 4-17) with special health care needs

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Detailed information by state

  1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth edition: DSM-5. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.