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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
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Department of Labor Peer Review Agenda

On December 16, 2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued its Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review. The Bulletin provides for agencies to peer review certain types of information before the information is disseminated to the public. In addition, the Bulletin required agencies to post their first peer review agenda on their websites by June 16, 2005, and update it at least every six months.

In accordance with the Bulletin, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) publishes and updates its peer review agenda as required. The Department recognizes the value of peer reviews and may conduct peer reviews of documents that do not meet the Bulletin's influential scientific information criteria. Such reviews would not be listed on this peer review agenda.

The only Department of Labor agency with items on the current peer review agenda is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The other Department of Labor agencies, based on the reviews they have conducted, have not identified any upcoming influential scientific information.

DOL Agenda:

If you have comments about the Department's peer review agenda, please email them to Comments will be available for inspection and copying in the:

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
200 Constitution Ave NW
Room S2312
Washington, DC 20210
Telephone: 202-693-5959

If you wish to view past Departmental peer review agendas, visit the Department's peer review agenda archives.

Because comments are available for public inspection, the Department cautions interested parties against including personal information such as Social Security numbers and birth dates. Please note that the Department will not respond to individual comments.