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Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

Department of Labor Conference Report Fiscal Year 2016

In FY 2016, DOL continued its conference review process involving the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, the Office of the Solicitor, and the Deputy Secretary when required. In total, DOL incurred over $8.3 million in costs to the Department for conferences in the fiscal year.

Throughout the year, DOL hosted a variety of conferences and trainings ranging from Fiduciary Education Compliance Assistance Seminars to National Leadership Meetings which were designed to set the stage for the agency's significant initiatives for the next fiscal year, including organizational and management goals that are critical for the agency's successful implementation of its operating plan.

If there are any questions concerning this reporting, or if additional information is required, please contact Dylan Sacchetti, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, at

Department of Labor Conferences over $100,000 in costs to the Department

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Conference Title: CPI Refresher Training.
Conference Expenses: $109,500.00.
Location: Tampa, FL.
Date: April 26-28, 2016.
Explanation: The purpose of this meeting was for CPI Regional, OFO National, and Program Office staff to discuss and address issues related to data collection, production, and analysis for the CPI survey. Over the three days, the parties met to analyze upcoming challenges including the 2018 CPI Geographic Revision, discuss information technology developments, formulate ideas to help improve overall data collection efforts including the CPI/PPI Hospital Services data sharing effort, improve data quality, review recent accomplishments, and increase voluntary cooperation in the CPI surveys including large companies and "big data" efforts.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 90 total, 90 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration.
Conference Title: Managers' Conference
Conference Expenses: $230,528.52.
Location: Leesburg, VA.
Date: May 2-6, 2016.
Explanation: To ensure that EBSA can effectively achieve the Department's Strategic 'Objective 4.2 to "improve health benefits and retirement security for all workers" in support of the Secretary's Strategic Goal 4 to "secure retirement, health, and other employee benefits and, for those not working, provide income security" by ensuring that EBSA's management and senior technical cadre are qualified to perform their jobs and are (1) knowledgeable about current issues and trends relating to regulating the very complicated financial and health care universe of private sector employee benefit plans and (2) well-versed in techniques/approaches for managing a large organization.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 223 total, 204 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Conference Title: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Conference.
Conference Expenses: $108,863.78.
Location: Washington, DC.
Date: January 26-28, 2016.
Explanation: To support the successful implementation of WIOA, a national in-person convening provided an opportunity for participants to learn about best and promising workforce and education practices and skill-build to lead dynamic teams within their state. The convening brought together state teams of up to 10-15 state/local leaders across core partner programs.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 185 total, 26 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Conference Title: Office of Apprenticeship All-Staff Training.
Conference Expenses: $152,275.52.
Location: Washington, DC.
Date: September 12-16, 2016.
Explanation: The purpose of the 2016 OA All-Staff Training and Strategic Engagement Forum was to provide updated technical training about key operational guidance for registered apprenticeship programs and new IT modernization tools, as well as engaging staff in developing strategic priorities and initiatives for FY 2017 to further progress towards meeting the President's goal of doubling the number of active apprentices by 2019.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 111 total, 81 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.
Conference Title: Midwest Regional Conference.
Conference Expenses: $104,072.64.
Location: Chicago, IL.
Date: August 15-19, 2016.
Explanation: The regional training session enabled the Midwest Regional Office to improve accountability and productivity and meet commitments laid out in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey action plan of (1) improving trust and confidence in the agency's managers, (2) increasing levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce, and (3) improving communication between employees and managers.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 101 total, 64 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.
Conference Title: Mega Construction Project Training.
Conference Expenses: $165,000.05.
Location: Arlington, VA.
Date: September 20-22, 2016.
Explanation: The objective of this training was the implementation of one of the agency's enforcement priorities for FY 2016. This training was intended to build staff skill on all aspects of the construction industry and expanding their resources in the community, including the resources provided by experts in the construction trades.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 78 total, 65 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs.
Conference Title: Senior Claims Examiner Training.
Conference Expenses: $193,062.00.
Location: Dallas, TX.
Date: April 19-21, 2016.
Explanation: The purpose of this training was to provide all senior claims examiners in the Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) with both technical and soft skills training which is critical to them performing the work they do for the program.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 85 total, 77 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: Basic II Training.
Conference Expenses: $183,082.03.
Location: Tampa, FL.
Date: April 11-29, 2016.
Explanation: Basic II Training is a required course intended for investigators who have accumulated at least 12 months of investigative experience following the Basic I Training. Investigators complete a series of pre-Basic II activities before attending the class. This final face-to-face training enables participants to conduct investigations beyond provisions covered by the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). Facilitated by agency experts, the training focuses on advanced regulatory knowledge and investigative skills. The curriculum addresses Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, the Service Contract Act, Agriculture-related Acts, provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The training also addresses outreach and education practices that support compliance of WHD enforced labor laws.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 57 total, 57 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: National Community Outreach Resource Planning Specialist (CORPS) Training.
Conference Expenses: $117,000.53.
Location: Kansas City, MO.
Date: April 18-22, 2016.
Explanation: The purpose of the CORPS Training is to provide all the existing CORPS throughout the country three and a half days of training to strengthen, standardize, and institutionalize the position within the agency. WHD has identified the CORPS as having a vital role this year in the agency's Operating Plan, the blueprint of our priorities for the year. They are instrumental in achieving Strategic Enforcement 2.0. Strategic Enforcement 2.0 involves careful planning in our investigations and strategic communications to create ripple effects in an industry. The training focused on imparting knowledge in areas such as strategic planning, community outreach and stakeholder engagement, media strategies and tools, as well as the soft skills needed to optimally perform the job, among other training modules.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 72 total, 71 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: Basic I Training.
Conference Expenses: $353,188.10.
Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Date: May 9-27, 2016.
Explanation: This required training is for new WHD investigators who have completed 12-weeks of pre-class course work comprised of online modules, readings, and on-the-job training. With a focus on enforcing provisions outlined in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), this course provides classroom instruction from agency experts who provide a nationally standardized training experience. Trainees also complete two simulated investigations that reinforce proper investigative procedures under the close supervision of experienced facilitators.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 87 total, 84 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: Basic IA Training.
Conference Expenses: $151,384.74.
Location: New Orleans, LA.
Date: June 13-July 1, 2016.
Explanation: Basic IA Training is a three-week (13 classroom days with two travel days) training designed to provide WHD technicians and other support staff with a working knowledge of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA), the Service Contract Act (SCA), agriculture-related acts including the Migrant Seasonal Worker Protection Act (MSPA), and the H-1B and H-2B provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The training addresses the application of the regulatory knowledge with technical assistance, complaint intake, conciliations, and communication responsibilities. This course is intended for technicians and other investigative support staff who provide technical assistance to the public served by the WHD. This training provides classroom instruction from agency experts, with specialized knowledge in enforcement and technical assistance areas, who can reinforce proficiencies through a nationally standardized training program.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 39 total, 39 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: Basic II Training.
Conference Expenses: $303,425.31.
Location: Tampa, FL.
Date: July 25-August 12, 2016.
Explanation: Basic II Training is a required course intended for investigators who have accumulated at least 12 months of investigative experience following the Basic I Training. Investigators complete a series of pre-Basic II activities before attending the class. This final face-to-face training enables participants to conduct investigations beyond provisions covered by the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). Facilitated by agency experts, the training focuses on advanced regulatory knowledge and investigative skills. The curriculum addresses Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, the Service Contract Act, Agriculture-related Acts, provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The training also addresses outreach and education practices that support compliance of WHD enforced labor laws.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 96 total, 95 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: National Immigration Training (H-2B/H-2A).
Conference Expenses: $227,998.18.
Location: Kansas City, MO.
Date: August 22-September 2, 2016.
Explanation: Wage and Hour Division held two national trainings on the H-2A and H-2B provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Each session consists of a three-and-one-half day classroom training that focuses on advanced regulatory knowledge and investigative techniques related to enforcement of the H-2B and H-2A provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The first three days of the training reinforces enforcement proficiency to investigators and supervisors by exposing them to agency experts and regional solicitors. These experts reconcile independent learning with nationally standardized training and provide trainees an arena to receive immediate feedback on complex enforcement and regulatory questions. Managers received an additional half-day of training to assist them with reviewing case files, evaluating the strengths of cases, issuing determination letters, and assessing civil monetary penalties. The implementation of the 2015 H-2B Rule also created a need for immediate training.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 164 total, 163 on travel.

Agency: U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division.
Conference Title: Advanced Home Care Training.
Conference Expenses: $115,668.98.
Location: New Orleans, LA.
Date: September 19-22, 2016.
Explanation: The training was delivered to WHD District Office Home Care Coordinators (one from each District Office). The training was conducted by WHD Regional Home Care Coordinators and Regional Solicitors (RSOL), with support from the WHD National Office (Office of Policy and Office of the Administrator) and the Solicitor's Fair Labor Standards Division. The District Office Home Care Coordinators are trained on the home care regulation and are expected to conduct outreach and education as well as how to conduct investigations for strategic initiatives for public entities, large third party agencies, and franchises. The Coordinators also delivered home care training for DO staff as we move through the enforcement period. These trainings served as an essential foundation for WHD's home care enforcement.
Total Number of Federal Employee Participants: 102 total, 101 on travel.