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Social Sciences
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Market News

The primary function of this joint Federal/industry program is to provide accurate and unbiased reports depicting current conditions affecting the trade in fish and fishery products.

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Community Snapshots

Most recent data available for key indicators for Northeastern fishing communities related to dependence on fisheries and other economic and demographic characteristics.

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Fishing Footprints

Historical fishing activity in waters off the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast United States. Revenue and pounds landed can be viewed at the gear, species, and FMP level for either individual years or a time-lapse.

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Oral History Database Documenting the Human Experience of the Fisheries of The United States


Social Indicators

Numerical measures describing the well-being of individuals or communities

The Social Sciences Branch conducts applied economic and sociocultural research on the use and management of commercial and recreational fisheries, protected species resources, and marine ecosystems. Through its work, the Branch seeks to increase the net benefits derived by the nation from its regional endowment of renewable marine resources.