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United States Department of Defense United States Department of Defense

Pearl Harbor

73rd Anniversary of the Attack

Graphic of a Japanese airplane flying through the smoke of Pearl Harbor.

As the nation observes the 73rd anniversary of the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the Defense Department honors the men and women who sacrificed their lives, and those who fought to preserve the nation's freedom.

Sailors Gather For Final USS Bush Reunion

Four surviving sailors from the USS Bush, a Fletcher-class destroyer, gathered for a final reunion to remember the fateful sinking of their ship off the coast of Okinawa, April 6, 1945. Story

Vets, Service Members, Families Mark 73rd Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack

Even as Dec. 7, 1941, was a day of sacrifice and loss, "it was a day of gallantry and unquestionable heroism," Air Force Gen. Lori J. Robinson, commander, Pacific Air Forces, said during a remembrance ceremony on the 73rd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Story

Pearl Harbor Survivor Recounts Life-changing Experience

Retired Air Force Chief Warrant Officer Jay C. Groff Jr. was a 19-year-old airman when he jumped from his bunk after hearing a thunderous explosion outside his third floor barracks window, Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941. When he looked out the window, he saw a plane with a big red ball flying low to the ground strafing the airfield. Story

By The Numbers: U.S. Personnel Casualties

Graphic of a U.S. Personnel Casualties: Navy - 2718, Army - 582, Marines - 178, Civilians - 103.

Statistics provided by the U.S. Navy Museum

By The Numbers: U.S. Ship Damage

Graphic of a U.S. Ship Damage: 8 Battleships, 3 Destroyers and 3 Cruisers were either damaged or sunk.

Statistics provided by the U.S. Navy Museum


"On National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, we pay tribute to the souls lost 73 years ago, we salute those who responded with strength and courage in service of our nation, and we renew our dedication to the ideals for which they so valiantly fought."

President Barack Obama,
Dec. 5, 2014


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