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DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: FY 2017 Budget Proposal

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Congress, Executive Branch Aligned on Readiness, Mattis Says

The Defense Department’s best budget predictability in more than a decade shows that Congress and the executive branch are aligned in terms of the threats to the nation and current and future military readiness, Defense Secretary James N. Mattis said. Story

Vice Chairman Makes Case for Congress to Pass Defense Budget

Speaking at an Air Force Association breakfast, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff expressed his desire for Congress to approve the proposed Defense Department budget and not require the department be funded through a continuing resolution. Story

Mattis Urges Congressional Support for Additional $30 Billion for Defense

The $30 billion in requested additional defense funding for fiscal year 2017 would be used to strengthen the military and protect the nation against emerging global security challenges, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said. Story

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Dunford: Now is the Time to Address Military Readiness Shortfalls

Military readiness must be bolstered, Defense Department leaders told the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee. Story

Stable Funding Key to Recovering from Readiness Decline, DoD Officials Say

The services need money, manpower, time and consistency to recover military readiness, Defense Department officials told a Senate panel. Story

Trump Seeks $30B More for Defense Department in Fiscal 2017

President Donald J. Trump asked for another $30 billion for the Defense Department in fiscal 2017 to rebuild the military and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Story

Mattis Issues Budget Guidance, Says 2017 Submission Will Rise

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis issued budget directives yesterday aimed at addressing shortfalls in the department and building a more lethal joint force. Story




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