• Passenger Transportation

  • The Commission has regulatory and safety oversight over for-hire passenger carriers (limousines, airport shuttles, charter and scheduled bus operators) and Transportation Network Companies.

    The CPUC also regulates the services and rates (but not equipment) of vessel common carriers. These are privately owned companies that transport passengers or property by vessel between California points.  The majority of the approximately 20 licensed operators conduct ferry services on San Francisco Bay or provide cross-channel transportation between Southern California mainland points and Santa Catalina Island.

    CPUC enforcement staff conduct investigations and pursue remedies against unscrupulous passenger carriers.

    For companies operating without a required license, staff both pursue enforcement actions and provide information to those companies about the Commission's licensing process and requirements.

  • Investigations Icon

    Transportation Enforcement

    The Transportation Enforcement Branch responds to and investigates complaints of unsafe, unlicensed and uninsured passenger carriers, and responds to complaints against licensed carriers concerning carrier fitness, overcharging, service discrimination, failure to provide service or failure to respond to customer complaints.

    New decisions, laws and updates

    Effective July 1, 2018, the CPUC authority of Household Goods, Private Carriers, Vessel for Hire, and Commercial Air Operators will be transferred to their new respective agencies. This change was enacted by Senate Bill No. 19 and was approved by the Governor on October 02, 2017. Click here for more details and the new agencies that will be regulating each authority.

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