Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations Relevant to Current Public Proceedings

  • California Water Code
    The official Water Code on the California Legislative Counsel Website
  • California Health & Safety Code
    The official Health & Safety Code on the California Legislative Counsel Website, which contains provisions relating to underground storage tanks.

The State Water Board also maintains compilations of various laws relevant to different areas of the water boards’ responsibilities. While every effort is made to ensure these compilations are accurate and up-to-date, you should consult the official version of the California Code or the United States Code if in doubt.

  • Statutory Water Rights Laws - effective January 1, 2019
    California Water Code (particularly Division 2) and other California Code sections relevant to water rights
  • Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act - effective January 1, 2019
    Excerpts of California Water Code, Division 7 (Water Quality)
  • Federal Clean Water Act - Title 33, U.S.C. sections 1251 and following [Updated to include 2011 Amendments]
  • Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations - Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 (Protection of the Environment) maintained by the Government Printing Office
  • Human Right to Water - effective January 1, 2013 California Water Code (Division 1, Section 106.3)
    Establishes that every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.

The State Water Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) has a compilation of statutes related to drinking water and recycled water. These are included in DDW’s Drinking Water Lawbook.

California Code of Regulations

  • California Code of Regulations
    The entire California Code of Regulations maintained by the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL)
  • Title 27. Environmental Protection
    Title 27 (Environmental Protection), Division 2, Subdivision 1 (Consolidated Regulations or Treatment, Storage, Processing or Disposal of Solid Waste) of the California Code of Regulations on the OAL Website
  • Plans and Policies
    Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans) and State Policies for Water Quality Control have the legal force and effect of regulation.

The State Water Board also maintains compilations of regulations in different areas of the water boards’ responsibilities. While every effort is made to ensure these compilations are accurate and up-to-date, you should consult the official California Code of Regulations if in doubt.

DDW has a compilation of regulations related to drinking water and recycled water. These are included in DDW’s Drinking Water Lawbook.

Final Amendments to Water Quality Petitions Regulations - Effective January 1, 2015

Laws and Regulations Applicable to the Conduct of Board Meetings and Adjudicative Proceedings

Water Quality Petitions

  • Water Quality Petitions Web Page
    Includes instructions for filing water quality petitions and opportunity to download electronic versions of water quality petitions are now available at the Water Quality Petitions webpage.

Ex Parte Communications

  • Ex Parte Communications Questions and Answers [Updated April 25, 2013 to include Question 45 concerning site visits and pending general orders]
  • Ex Parte Communication Disclosure Form for General Orders [Fill-In PDF Form and Instructions, Blank Form for Printing and Instructions]
  • Note: This form is for ex parte communications to State Water Board members only. For Regional Water Board communications, please go to the respective board’s website (

  • Pending General Orders Subject to Water Code Section 13287 Ex Parte Disclosure Requirements

    Below is a list of matters pending before the State Water Board subject to the disclosure requirements of Water Code section 13287.  Other pending orders or water quality petitions, not in abeyance, before the State Water Board are subject to the prohibition on ex parte communications.
General Order Scheduled Adoption Meeting Ex Parte Prohibition in Effect
General NPDES Permit for Discharges from Utility Vaults and Underground Structures Oct. 21, 2014 Oct. 7, 2014
Amendments to Aquatic Animal Invasive Species Control Permit Oct. 21, 2014 Oct. 7, 2014
General NPDES Permit for Discharges from Drinking Water Systems Nov. 4, 2014 Oct. 21, 2014
Recycled Water Waste Discharge Requirements June 3, 2014 May 26, 2014
Compost General Waste Discharge Requirements N/A N/A
Petitions A-2209(a)-(e) (Central Coast Water Board, Conditional Waiver for Irrigated Lands) N/A N/A
Petitions A-2239(a)-(c) (Central Valley Water Board, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Irrigated Agriculture in the East San Joaquin Watershed) N/A N/A
Petition A-2269 (Central Valley Water Board, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Irrigated Agriculture for Discharges Not Participating in Third-Party Groups) N/A N/A
Petitions A-2278(a)-(c) (Central Valley Water Board, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Irrigated Agriculture in the Tulare Lake Basin for Dischargers Participating in a Third-Party Group) N/A N/A
Petitions A-2283(a)-(b) (Central Valley Water Board, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Existing Milk Cow Dairies) N/A N/A

Additional Information