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Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs

Last Published: 07/26/2018


  Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs has all of the current information in one manual to help you and your purchasing agent:
  • Buy the right amount of food and the appropriate type of food for your program(s)
  • Determine the specific contribution each food makes toward the meal pattern requirements.
  Web based Interactive Food Buying Guide Website The Food Buying Guide Goes Digital! The Web-based Interactive Food Buying Guide allows you to: easily search and navigate food yields, compare food yields, and create and save favorite foods lists. It also includes:
  • The Interactive Product Formulation Statement Workbook, allowing manufacturers to easily calculate their product’s contribution statement and generate crediting documentation.
  • The Recipe Analysis Workbook, which helps program operators determine the meal pattern contribution for recipes! Easily search for creditable ingredients, calculate the meal pattern contribution, and print a contribution statement.
  Interactive Food Buying Guide The Food Buying Guide Mobile App provides quick access to food yield information to help you make quick purchasing decisions from your mobile device. Download it today.
  Food Buying Guide Image The Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs is available to download and/or print as a PDF.
    The Food Buying Guide Calculator for Child Nutrition Programs