#FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Small Businesses, Preserving Cultural Heritage, Cataloging Geophysical Data, and More

New federal grant announcements from this week span a wide range of fields and industries. To see a complete list of new grants, visit the Grants.gov Search page.

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1. Small Business Administration – SCORE

The SCORE Program is designed to provide high quality business and economic development assistance to existing small businesses and nascent (pre-venture) entrepreneurs. SCORE helps small businesses access capital, develop and exchange new technologies, and improve business planning, strategy, operations, financial management, personnel administration, marketing, export assistance, sales and other areas required for growth and expansion, management improvement, increased productivity and innovation.

Continue reading #FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Small Businesses, Preserving Cultural Heritage, Cataloging Geophysical Data, and More

#FundingFriday: Sorting through the 250+ New Grants in November

We are just 10 days into November, and federal grant-making agencies have posted over 250 new funding opportunity announcements (FOA) on Grants.gov.

We all know winter is coming, so let’s find a nice FOA to cozy up with next to the fireplace.

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Continue reading #FundingFriday: Sorting through the 250+ New Grants in November

#FundingFriday: Recent Funding Opportunity Announcements for Local Governments

This week’s highlights focus on new and forecasted funding opportunities for which town, city and county governments are eligible. These and hundreds of other recent federal grant announcements are published under Grants.gov’s Search tab.

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1. Department of the Interior, National Park Service – Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Repatriation Grants FY2018

Grant funds must be used for the transfer of control of Native American human remains and cultural items to lineal descendants, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. Repatriation includes disposition of culturally unidentifiable Native American human remains (CUI) according to 43 C.F.R. 10.11. Repatriation projects defray costs associated with the packaging, transportation, contamination removal, reburial, and storage of NAGPRA-related human remains and cultural items.


Continue reading #FundingFriday: Recent Funding Opportunity Announcements for Local Governments

What Is a Funding Opportunity Announcement?

A Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is the publicly available document that contains all the official information (e.g., goals, deadline, eligibility, reporting) about a federal grant. An FOA is how a federal grant-making agency announces the availability of a grant, and it provides instructions on how to apply for that grant.

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What are some other key elements of an FOA?

Continue reading What Is a Funding Opportunity Announcement?

#FundingFriday: Federal Grants for High-Tech Research and Development

Over 225 federal grants have been posted to Grants.gov over the last two weeks.

Here, we highlight a few awards promoting the development of new technologies for science, health and security from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense (DOD).

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#FundingFriday: Highlights from the 85+ Federal Grants Posted This Week

More than 85 federal grant opportunities were posted to Grants.gov this week. Below are a selection of these grants that highlight programs from the Departments of Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, and Homeland Security, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency.

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Continue reading #FundingFriday: Highlights from the 85+ Federal Grants Posted This Week

#FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Income Security and Social Services Programs

This week’s Funding Friday post highlights grant opportunities from the “Income Security and Social Services” category in Grants.gov Search. You can easily filter funding opportunities by this and other categories, such as education, consumer protection and natural resources.

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Continue reading #FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Income Security and Social Services Programs

#FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Law, Justice and Legal Services Programs

This week’s Funding Friday post highlights grant opportunities from the Law, Justice and Legal Services category in Grants.gov Search. You can easily filter funding opportunities by this and other categories, such as Natural Resources, Health, Education, Community Development and many more.

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1. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement – Strengthening Law Enforcement’s Partnerships with Women’s Justice Centers

The United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, is seeking applications from qualified Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Educational Institutions and other qualified organizations for a Grant/Cooperative to implement a two (2) year program entitled “Strengthening Law Enforcement’s Partnerships with Women’s Justice Centers”.

Continue reading #FundingFriday: Federal Grants for Law, Justice and Legal Services Programs

What Is a Grant Forecast?

Sunny with a slight chance of competition? Cold and gloomy thanks to freezing funds?

While federal grant applicants may at times face such varying climates, the grant forecasts we refer to here are previews of potential funding opportunities that a grant-making agency plans to announce in the future.

Applicants can search for grant forecasts just as they would for funding opportunities – by using Grants.gov Search.

How to Search for Grant Forecasts

By checking “Forecasted” under Opportunity Status, searches can be tailored to turn up forecasted opportunities.

Continue reading What Is a Grant Forecast?

#FundingFriday: Apply Soon for Federal Grants Supporting Arts Education, Cultural Diplomacy & Youth Songwriting

The following funding opportunities from federal agencies highlight an array of arts-related programs that support local humanities councils, arts education, employment, and cultural exchanges. Application deadlines are approaching for each of these five grants, so apply soon! Continue reading #FundingFriday: Apply Soon for Federal Grants Supporting Arts Education, Cultural Diplomacy & Youth Songwriting