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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Strategic Documents

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Strategic Documents

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) to develop and maintain strategic goals, to link work and resources to performance, and to monitor and report on the results to Congress and the public at large. On January 4, 2011, President Obama signed the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. The Act modernizes the federal government’s performance management framework, retaining and amplifying some aspects of GPRA while also addressing some of its weaknesses. The GPRA Modernization Act serves as a foundation for helping agencies to focus on their highest priorities and creating a culture where data and empirical evidence plays a greater role in policy, budget, and management decisions. The purposes of the GPRA Modernization Act are to:

  • Modernize and refine the requirements established by GPRA in order to produce more frequent, relevant data which can then inform decision makers and agency operations;
  • Codify and strengthen existing resources for performance management, including the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Performance Improvement Officers (PIOs) within the federal agencies and the interagency Performance Improvement Council (PIC);
  • Apply the latest technologies and lessons learned from nearly two decades of GPRA implementation;
  • Lead to more effective management of government agencies at a reduced cost.

The Strategic Management Program encompasses the Commission's performance management and measurement system and is illustrated by the following.

Strategic Management Program:

Assessment: Performance Report Assessment: State of the Markets Assessment: Financial Statements Overview Implementation: Budget Implementation: Performance Plan Implementation: Resources Allocation Direction: Strategic Plan