• Transportation Licensing

    The CPUC administers safety oversight and enforcement of passenger carriers (limousines, shuttles, etc.).

  •    Recent Licensing Updates

    Transfer of Authority of Household Goods, Private Carriers, Vessels for Hire, Commercial Air Operators

    Effective July 1, 2018, the CPUC will no longer regulate Household Goods, Private Carriers, Vessels for Hire, and Commercial Air Operators will be transferred to other state and local agencies. This change was enacted by Senate Bill No. 19 and was approved by the Governor on October 02, 2017. Click here for contact information regarding the new agencies that will be regulating each authority.  

     Alert on Scams

    The CPUC is aware that active carriers and new applicants for a permit or certificate from the CPUC are being contacted by unknown people outside the CPUC.  The call looks like it is coming from a CPUC phone number and the caller claims to be a CPUC employee.  The caller states that additional money ($100-$2,000) must be paid by wire transfer, over the phone with a credit or debit card, or with iTunes gift cards, or the application (or current permit or certificate) will be suspended or denied.  This is a scam!  The CPUC does not place telephone calls to solicit extra funds to complete new applications or renewals, or to demand additional quarterly or annual fees.  If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the CPUC, do not, under any circumstances, provide any information over the phone to the caller.  You may contact the CPUC License Section at licensing@cpuc.ca.gov to verify the legitimate issue outstanding.  You may also report the call, any information provided by the caller, and your observations to law enforcement.  For more information, refer to the “Telephone Scam Alert Notification” post.

  • Passenger Carriers

    Passenger carriers (limousines, airport shuttles, charter and scheduled bus operators, and others) obtain permits or certificates after providing financial responsibility and safety information to the PUC, including evidence of liability insurance and a California Highway Patrol safety inspection.

    Transportation Network Companies

    Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) provide prearranged transportation services for compensation using an online-enabled application or platform (such as smart phone apps) to connect drivers using their personal vehicles with passengers.

    Autonomous Vehicles

    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been authorized for testing in passenger service on a pilot basis by charter-party carriers (TCPs) who also possess the required authority from DMV for AV testing on public roads in California.

    Transportation Enforcement

    The CPUC takes enforcement action against moving companies and passenger carriers. Information on cases and Current Investigations can be found online.

    Contact Us


    Email: licensing@cpuc.ca.gov
    Mail: CPUC Transportation License Section
    505 Van Ness Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94102



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