• Electric Safety and Reliability Branch


    The Electric Safety and Reliability Branch (ESRB) enforces CPUC rules and regulations to ensure that power plants and utility companies run a safe and reliable electric or communication system. ESRB regularly conducts audits and inspections, investigates safety incident or system problem, and advises the CPUC on related matters. ESRB consists of two sections: Electric Generation Safety and Reliability Section (EGSRS) and Electric and Communication Facility Safety Section (ECFSS)
  • Electric Generation Safety and Reliability Section

    ... regulates power plants owned by generating asset owners (GAO), by enforcing General Order 167. The purpose of this General Order is to implement and enforce operation and maintenance standards to ensure reliable electric generation.

    Electric and Communication Facility Safety Section

    ... regulates overhead and underground electric and communication facilities owned by utilities, co-ops and municipalities by enforcing General Orders 95, 128, 165, 166, and 174.

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