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Protected Species Branch

The Protected Species Branch (PSB) offices are located at the NEFSC on Water Street in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Research work conducted by the PSB is principally concerned with cetacean, pinniped, sea bird and marine turtle species that live or migrate off the coast of the northeastern United States. Distribution, ecological relationships and human interactions are among the areas of focus of this research, which is mandated under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

Go to Surveys site Go to Cetacean Research site Go to Seal Research site Go to Turtle Resaerch site

(The PSB is authorized by the Marine Mammal Protection Act to do research on pinnipeds and cetaceans under permit #775-1875. Sea Turtle research is done under ESA permit #1576. Photos on this website taken by PSB staff were authorized under these permits.)

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