
Amateur Sporting Contribution Tax Credit
This program helps provide funding to local organizations, such as convention and visitors bureaus, to help attract sporting events to the state. Donors can make contributions to the organizations and receive a tax credit.
Amateur Sporting Tax Credit Program
This program provides local community organizations incentives to help those organizations secure location of amateur sporting events in their communities.
Art Grants
To spur growth in the arts industry, the Missouri Arts Council provides grants and other programming to help communities fund performances as well as educational initiatives in the arts.
Cultural Facility Revenue Bond Program
Financing that helps communities develop cultural facilities such as museums and recreational buildings for charitable organizations. The program can be used to acquire land, purchase equipment, construct a building, fund architectural and engineering needs, and make improvements to existing facilities.
Downtown Preservation
Improve the cultural heartbeat of your community by redeveloping your downtown. Re-polish those blighted Main Streets and Broadways that help define your town and reinvigorate tourism.
Tourism Grants
Have an attraction or event that tourists need to check out? Learn more about ways to market your community to a wider audience, increasing visitors and spending.


 Business Development

Business Specialists
Missouri’s business incentive programs can help communities attract new business as well as retain their current companies that are crucial to sustaining the local economy. From retention programs to expansions and attraction, our business specialists can help your community utilize state tools in the overall proposal when negotiating business projects.
Community Development Block Grants
From helping an important local business access short-term cash flow relief, to promote small business development, to constructing or revitalization public infrastructure that would make way for new industry development or attraction, our programs are designed to support business growth in your community.
Missouri Building Entrepreneurial Capacity
The Missouri Technology Corporation makes strategic investments in public and private non-profit research institutions (including higher-ed) and non-profit entrepreneurial support organizations to expand the state’s innovation ecosystem that help entrepreneurs commercialize new technologies and create next-generation jobs.
Missouri Certified Sites Program
Help lure new business to your community by having your commercial or industrial development sites pre-qualified by an established Review Team. By having your site certified, information can be readily available to potential buyers and businesses.
Family Development Account Tax Credit Program
Community-based organizations can access financing to administer a family Development Account project to help low-income residents participate in matched savings programs. These savings programs will help families in your community pay for school, purchase a new house, make home improvements, or start up a small business.
Small Business Incubator Tax Credit Program
This program helps small business incubators leverage funds to use for working capital and other non-operating expenditures that support new business creation in communities.
Previously Approved Projects
See all department business development programs
Local Programs


Community Development Block Grants
From waste water improvement projects, to developing or enhancing public infrastructure, to addressing local health and safety concerns, our programs are designed to support a community’s greater capacity for growth.
Energy Loan Program
Your community (local government, public hospitals, schools, etc) can embark on energy-savings projects that will pay for themselves while achieving greater sustainability. Whether it’s to upgrade the lighting in City Hall or replace a dated and inefficient heating and cooling system at the elementary school, our programs and tips will put you on the path to saving energy and money today.
Property Assessed Clean Energy or PACE programs, allow local government entities to raise money through the issuance of bonds or other sources of capital to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to eligible property owners. Through the creation of financing districts, property owners can finance renewable onsite generation installations and energy efficiency improvements through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bills that is repaid over a period up to 20 years.
MORESA (Renewable Energy)
Learn about ways your community can embark on renewable energy projects. This program provides financial incentives for public infrastructure for the development of renewable fuel production facility or new generation processing entity facility to spur job creation and agricultural product markets throughout the state.
Qualified Energy Conservation Bond
Local governments can access tax credit bonds to finance energy conservation initiatives such as implementing green community programs, reducing energy consumption in public buildings, energy-related research facilities and grants, and public education campaigns to promote energy efficiency.


 Housing Assistance

Affordable Housing Assistance Program
Helps communities meet low-income housing needs by providing tax credits to non-profit, community-based organizations for the purpose of providing affordable housing assistance activities or market rate housing in distressed communities.
Federal HOME Program
Helps communities increase supply of affordable housing for low and very low income residents by providing financing to developers (profit and non-profit) to acquire and rehab housing or construct new rental housing.
Home Repair Opportunity (HeRO) Program
Community action agencies, regional planning commissions, municipalities and nonprofit organizations can help low and moderate income homeowners in non-metropolitan areas make home repairs, modifications and other maintenance.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Help communities meet housing needs by providing a federal tax credit to investors for the construction, or acquisition and rehabilitation of an affordable housing development.
Rental Production and Preservation Program
Helps communities increase supply of housing for low and moderate income families by providing a tax credit for developers to rehabilitate or construct rental housing.
Missouri Housing Trust Fund
The Missouri Housing Trust Fund was created by the state Legislature in 1994 to help meet the housing needs of very low income families and individuals. The Missouri Housing Development Commission administers the Trust Fund, which provides funding for a variety of housing needs, such as homeless prevention; rehab or new construction of rental housing, rental assistance; and home repair.

Neighborhood Preservation Act

Provides incentives for the rehabilitation or construction of owner-occupied homes in eligible areas of the state.


Brownfield Redevelopment Program
Helps communities to redevelop commercial or industrial sites that are contaminated with hazardous substances and that have been abandoned or underutilized for at least three years.
Downtown Preservation
Improve the cultural heartbeat of your community by redeveloping your downtown. Re-polish those blighted Main Streets and Broadways that help define your town and reinvigorate tourism.
Chapter 353 Tax Abatement
Cities with Urban Redevelopment Corporations can access this incentive to help redevelop blighted areas by abating some or all of the property taxes for up to 25 years.
Community Development Block Grants
From waste water improvement projects, to developing or enhancing public infrastructure, to addressing local health and safety concerns, our programs are designed to support a community’s greater capacity for growth.
Missouri Infrastructure Development Opportunities Program
This loan program helps rural communities and rural districts that have a financial hardship with their infrastructure project, and are unable to obtain financing elsewhere. These loans are to partially fund infrastructure improvements, with priority given to water and sewer projects addressing public health and safety issues.
Delta Regional Authority
To help grow Missouri’s communities in the delta region of the state (those along and near the Mississippi River), assistance is available and dedicated to developing transportation infrastructure, improving severely distressed and underdeveloped areas, and obtaining job training and employment-related education to strengthen the local workforce.
Public Entity Loan Program
Provides local governments individually structured, tax-exempt revenue bonds to make improvements to public buildings such as police and fire departments, jails, water systems, streets, utilities or to acquire land, demolish buildings, or redevelop a blighted area.
Tax Credits for Contributions Program
Provides local or state agencies (or local political subdivisions) tax credits to fund public infrastructure facility projects such as highways, water supply and distribution systems, mass transportation equipment/facilities, telecommunications facilities, jails and prisons, sewage facilities, airports, railroads, reservoirs, and more as well as to acquire blighted real estate or demolish structures to make way for future development.
State Supplemental Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
This program can fill the financing gap for local TIF redevelopment projects and can be used for land acquisition, construction of public works, studies and surveys, and professional services.



Community Development Block Grants
From waste water improvement projects, to developing or enhancing public infrastructure, to addressing local health and safety concerns, our programs are designed to support a community’s greater capacity for growth.
Missouri Infrastructure Development Opportunities Program
This loan program helps rural communities and rural districts that have a financial hardship with their infrastructure project, and are unable to obtain financing elsewhere. These loans are to partially fund infrastructure improvements, with priority given to water and sewer projects addressing public health and safety issues.
Neighborhood Assistance Program
Implement community or neighborhood projects in your town that will strengthen economic development. This program can help fund job training initiatives, crime prevention, community service projects, and revitalization of community-based buildings and areas such as parks and sporting complexes.
Youth Opportunity Program
Develop or broaden initiatives that foster positive development for youth in your community. Whether it’s to encourage youth participation in the community or discourage violent behavior, our program can help promote positive change.
 Missouri Work Ready Communities
Are you ready to validate your workforce to potential employers? Show companies that your community has a ready pipeline of employees with high-demand, certified skills ready to succeed.
 Education & Training
Maintain your community’s competitive edge and be sure your workforce has access to the most up-to-date skills, training and education.
 Career Tools
Today’s competitive economy comes with many new challenges. These helpful resources can enhance career searching for your residents.
 Wage Explorer Tool
Use this tool to see where your graduates end up working, what wages they earn, and what industries they work in. This award winning tool was designed to research the work outcomes of particular populations within the state.
 Show-Me Heroes
This program was designed to connect Missouri’s military men and women (and their spouses) with meaningful employment after they return home from service. Encourage businesses in your community to take the pledge and hire these work-ready candidates that have all the know-how to succeed in today’s high-tech and fast-paced economy.
 Innovation Campus
Our groundbreaking, Presidentially-recognized approach to college education trains students in high-demand fields while cutting the time it takes to earn a degree and reducing student debt.
 Employment Transition Team
In the event of a layoff, our team of professionals can help guide both affected employers and employees with customized services – all at no charge. Transitioning these workers to new employment or to new career opportunities helps sustain communities.
 Local Employment Figures
Get the latest labor force and unemployment rates for your county or metro area.
 Missouri Community Betterment
Get technical assistance on planning and implementing new strategies to enhance your overall community development. Share best practices with other communities that are committed to improving the lives and businesses in their area.
 Services for Rural Missouri
Missouri’s small towns help make up the character of our state. As a way to preserve this valuable heritage and grow the local economy for future generations to enjoy, we offer resources and guidance for rural Missouri communities.
 County Profiles
Find out the county seat, the large employers in the area, as well as the workforce strengths and industry concentration in each Missouri County.
 Energy Efficiency
Learn about programs that can help low income families as well as elderly residents in your community make cost-effective energy-efficient home improvements to lower their utility bills. You can also access important energy information about providers in your area.
 Community Service
Find economic data for your region, including workforce trends, core industries, population demographics and more. You can also view additional community-related studies on socioeconomics, entrepreneurs, and more!
 Region and County Economic Data
Find economic data for your region, including workforce trends, core industries, population demographics and more. You can also view additional community-related studies on socioeconomics, entrepreneurs, and more!
 Community Action Agencies
Our statewide network of agencies is providing critical services to fight poverty across the state by strengthening communities, family by family.
 University of Missouri Extension
Through science-based knowledge, our extension partnership makes university education and information accessible for economic viability and strong families and communities.
 Economic Development Partners
See a list of local and regional partners that can assist your community in achieving growth and success.
 Incubators and Accelerators
Check out the dozens of centers around the state that help facilitate new ideas and research. These spaces and environments can help your entrepreneurs connect with resources, commercialize their products, and create jobs in your local economy.
 Missouri Association of Councils
Enhance your region through economic and community development, housing initiatives, transportation planning, and other local activities.
 Affordable Housing Locator
Connect your residents with programs that help them access and locate quality, affordable rental housing in your community.
 Certified Sites
Do you have a site primed and available for commercial or industrial development in your community? Get it certified and show developers and companies that you are ready for business.
 Enhanced Enterprise Zones
Find out if your community is eligible for enhanced enterprise zone designation – a great tool to draw companies creating sustainable jobs in targeted industries.
 Missouri Main Street Connection
Learn about how to enhance the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of your historic downtown business district.