Community Development Block Grants

From addressing local health and safety concerns to improving local facilities such as senior centers and community centers, CDBG programs are designed to support your community's wellbeing and greater capacity for growth. Grants are available in a variety of categories and can be utilized for a variety of community development initiatives. 


Income Limits

Upcoming Events

2019 Action Plan Public Webinar - October 29,2018 from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Funding Opportunities

DED is accepting applications for the second round of 2018 Community Development Block Grants

Who is Eligible?

Cities under 50,000 in population and counties under 200,000.


42 USC § 5301 et seq., 24 C.F.R. Part 570; and Missouri’s “Consolidated Plan” submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

CDBG Categories:

 General Infrastructure
This program helps Missouri communities strengthen its local economy by improving local public infrastructure, streets, drainage, and bridges. Reliable and sustainable infrastructure helps support the business community as well as residents.
 Industrial Infrastructure
This program helps communities develop public infrastructure that allows industries to locate new facilities, expand existing facilities, prevent the closing of a facility or the relocation of a facility outside the state. Grant funds may be used for public streets, water or sewer lines, engineering and other public facilities necessary to support the private sector project.
This program helps communities establish or improve local water or sewer systems. Grants may be used for construction that is related to water treatment and distribution, and sewer treatment and collection for publicly owned systems.
These grants help Missouri communities with demolition of vacant, dilapidated structures (primarily residential) in blighted areas and that present safety hazards.
This program provides assistance to communities to address conditions that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community. The need must be a serious threat to health or safety, be immediate, have developed or greatly intensified within the past 18 months, and be unique in relation to the problem not existing in all other communities within the state.
 Disaster Recovery
These grants assist local communities and other entities with long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and economic revitalization related to specific Presidentially-declared disasters.
 Neighborhood Stabilization Program
This program helped Missouri communities acquire, rehabilitate, and resale foreclosed homes to income qualifying persons/families. Resale was limited to persons/families of low, moderate and middle income (LMMI) status.
 Community Facilities
This program helps Missouri communities construct facilities that will serve a large portion of the public with a variety of services. With education and health/well-being programs taking priority, communities can utilize this program to construct senior centers, day care centers, rural health clinics, telecommunications, and 911 services, among others.
 Business Development
These CDBG programs help communities grow local businesses, attract new ones, and provide crucial capital to spur entrepreneurism. Small businesses play a vital role in our state's economy, providing nearly half of all private sector jobs.
 Action Fund Loan
Cities and counties can apply on the behalf of a small business to help them secure capital needed to start-up or expand after they have exhausted all other sources.
 Interim Financing Loan
Local government can provide a short term loan to certain types of for-profit companies that need funds for start-up or expansion and have exhausted other sources.
Through this program, cities and counties can design a revolving loan program to help small businesses grow or to facilitate other revitalizations/redevelopment projects that will result in job creation or retention.
Consolidated Plan Public Hearing