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Rural and underserved counties list

We have several rules that refer to our “rural or underserved” and “rural” counties lists. Each year we publish new lists for use the next year.

Final 2018 lists

Rural or underserved counties


Rural counties


Some entities that do business in rural or underserved counties are exempt from certain regulatory requirements of the Truth in Lending Act.

In addition to these lists, lenders should also use our Rural or Underserved Areas Tool to provide a safe harbor determination that a property is located in a rural or underserved area as defined in 12 CFR 1026.35(b)(2)(iv)(A) and (B). The tool is more comprehensive than the lists because the lists reflect rural status only at the county level; the tool includes both locations that are rural because they lie in rural (non-urban) census blocks and locations that are rural because they lie in rural counties.

These lists include the following U.S. territories as rural areas in their entireties: Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These territories comprise areas that the U.S. Census Bureau treats as counties and that are neither metropolitan statistical areas or micropolitan statistical areas adjacent to metropolitan statistical areas.

Historical lists

2017 Rural or underserved counties


2017 Rural counties

 CSV  | XLS  | PDF

2016 Rural or underserved counties


2016 Rural counties

 CSV   | XLS   | PDF 

2015 Rural or underserved counties

2015 Rural counties

 CSV  | XLS  | PDF

2014 Rural or underserved counties

2014 Rural counties

 CSV  | XLS  | PDF

2013 Rural or underserved counties

2012 Rural or underserved counties

 CSV  | XLS  | PDF