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Recent Podcasts

Pain Management Doctor Was A "One-Man Crime Wave"

Chris Covington

June 13, 2018
Chris Covington, Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Atlanta Regional Office, is interviewed by Todd Silver, a senior communications specialist in Washington, D.C.

Increases in Reimbursement for Brand-Name Drugs in Part D

Ed Burley

June 4, 2018
Ed Burley, Deputy Regional Inspector General in the Office of Evaluation and Inspections in Philadelphia, is interviewed by Sheila Davis, a public affairs specialist in Washington, DC.

This is Real

This is Real

May 1, 2018
In 2014, more than 30 people were arrested in the nation's capital on charges related to health care fraud. Those arrested included owners and operators of home health care agencies, office workers, personal care assistants, and patient recruiters. Millions of dollars in bank accounts and property were seized, and the bust remains the biggest health care fraud takedown in Washington, D.C., history.

2017 Year in Review - Eye on Oversight

2017 Year in Review

December 20, 2017
A recap of OIG's work in 2017, including topics like reaching a $155 million civil settlement with an electronic health records vendor, releasing a data brief on opioids in Medicare Part D highlighting concerns about extreme use and questionable prescribing, and the largest healthcare fraud takedown in history.

Health IT Security

Jarvis Rodgers

October 4, 2017
Jarvis Rodgers, the HHS-OIG IT Audit Director, is interviewed by Sheila Davis, a public affairs specialist in Washington, DC.

Independence of the Office for Human Research Protections

Kim Ruppert

August 3, 2017
Kimberly Ruppert, team leader in the Office of Evaluation and Inspections in Boston, is interviewed by Katherine Harris, a public affairs specialist in Washington, DC.

Dr. Michael Cohen

Combatting Opioid Abuse—OIG's Work Against the Opioid Epidemic

May 26, 2017
Dr. Michael Cohen, an operations officer in the Office of Investigations, is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Shimon Richmond and Richard Stern

Medicaid Fraud Control Units

March 6, 2017
Richard Stern, Director of Program Oversight for the Medicaid Fraud Units, and Shimon Richmond, Special Agent in Charge in Miami, are interviewed by Don White, a public affairs specialist in San Francisco.

Andrea Treese Berlin

Voluntary Tribal Compliance Agreement

February 6, 2017
Andrea Treese Berlin, OIG senior counsel, is interviewed by Sheila Davis, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Mike Kane

December 2016 OIG Monthly Update

January 10, 2016
Mike Kane, Office of External Affairs, discusses recent enforcement actions and OIG reports released in December 2016.

Tyler Daniels

2016 Year in Review

December 14, 2016
Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC, talks about the highlights of OIG's work in 2016

Diane Cutler

The HHS OIG Hotline

November 21, 2016
Diane Cutler, the director of the OIG Hotline, is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Monica Mejia

Chiropractic Audit - Over $350 million in unallowable payments

November 1, 2016
Monica Mejia, an Assistant Regional Inspector General for the Office of Audit Services in Los Angeles, is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Shimon Richmond

OIG's Most Wanted Fugitives

October 3, 2016
Shimon Richmond, OIG's Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Regional Office, is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Curt Muller

What is OIG's work in Indian Country?

August 11, 2016
Curt Muller, an OIG investigator in the Special Investigations Branch , is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Caryl Brzymialkiewicz

What Role Does Data Play in Fighting Healthcare Fraud, Waste and Abuse?

June 7, 2016 Podcast
Caryl Brzymialkiewicz, Chief Data Officer for the HHS Office of Inspector General, is interviewed by Tyler Daniels, a public affairs specialist in Washington DC.

Tim Heslop

Licensure Data in Round 2 of the Durable Medical Equipment Competitive Bidding Program

May 26, 2016
Tim Heslop, an auditor for the Office of Audit Services, is interviewed by Randall Martz, an auditor for the Office of Audit Services in Columbus.


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Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201