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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Resources Acronyms

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    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    401 WQC Section 401 Water Quality Certification


    A G&T; Generation of Transmission Cooperative

    A&G; Administrative and General Expenses

    AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards

    ABF Aquatic Base Flow

    AC Alternating current

    ACA Annual Charge Adjustment

    ACE Area Control Error

    ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

    ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System

    ADIT Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes

    ADITC Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credit

    ADR Asset Depreciation Range or Alternative Dispute Resolution

    AFE Authority for Expenditure or Authorization for Expenditure

    AFUDC Allowance for Funds Used During Construction

    AGA American Gas Association

    AGC Automatic Generation Control

    AGD Associated Gas Distributors

    AI Agricultural Inspector

    AIMA Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement

    AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act

    ALJ Administrative Law Judge

    AMI Advance Metering Infrastructure

    ANGTA Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976

    ANGTS Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation System

    ANSI American National Standars Institute

    AOS Authorized Overrun Service

    APA Administrative Procedure Act or Alaska Power Administration

    APE Area of potential effect

    API The American Petroleum Institute

    APPA American Public Power Association

    AQCR Air Quality Control Region

    ARPA Archeological Resources Protection Act

    A/S Ancillary Services

    ASAL Atlantic salmon population model developed by FWS

    ASCC (Affiliate) Alaskan System Coordination Council

    ASRSC Atlantic Sea-Run Salmon Commission

    ATC Available Transfer Capability


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    BA Balancing Authority

    BA Biological Assessment

    BACT Best Available Control Technology

    BCD Barrels per Calendar Day

    Bcf Billion Cubic Feet

    BCP Blackstart Capability Plan

    BES Bulk Electric System

    BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs

    BLM Bureau of Land Management

    BLM Bureau of Land Management, The Dept. of Interior

    BPA Bonneville Power Administration

    BPR Bureau of Parks and Recreation

    BPS Bulk-Power System

    BS&W; Bottom sediments of water

    BTU British Thermal Unit

    BuRec Bureau of Reclamation


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    CAA Clean Air Act

    CAISO California Independent System Operator Corporation

    CAP Capacity Market Programs

    CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model

    CBM Capacity Benefit Margin

    CD Contract Demand

    CD Certificate of Deposit

    CEO Chief Executive Officer

    CEQ Council on Environmental Quality

    CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

    CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System

    Certificate Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

    cf Cubic Feet

    Cf Compare

    CfD Contracts for Differences

    CFO Chief Financial Officer

    CFR Code of Federal Regulations

    CFTC Commodity Future Trade Commission

    cfs Cubic Feet Per Second

    CIAC Contribution of Aid of Construction

    CMVE Competitive Market Value Estimate

    CNG Compressed Natural Gas

    CO Carbon Monoxide

    CO2 Carbon Dioxide

    COC Cost of Capital

    COO Chief Operating Officer

    COE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    CP Coincident Peak

    CP Certificate Proceeding

    CPI Consumer Price Index

    CPP Critical Peak Pricing

    cps Cycles Per Second

    CPS Control Performance Standard

    CRMP Cultural Resource Management Plans

    CRP Conservation Reserve Program

    CRT Capacity Reservation Tariff

    CSP Curtailment Service Provider

    CWA Clean Water Act

    CWIP Construction Work In Progress

    CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act


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    D.B.A. Doing business as

    dBA Decibles on the A-weighted scale

    DBH Diameter Breast Height

    dc Direct Current

    DCLM Direct Control Load Management

    DCS Disturbance Control Standard

    Decontrol Act Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act

    DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement

    DF Distribution Factor

    DFG Department of Fish and Game

    DLC Direct Load Control

    DME Disturbance Monitoring Equipment

    DO Dissolved Oxygen

    DOE Department of Energy

    DOE Act Department of Energy Organization Act

    DOE/FE Department of Energy - Office of Fossil Energy

    DOI Department of Interior

    DOT Department of Transportation

    DR Demand Response

    DSM Demand-Side Management

    Dth Dekatherm (equivalent to 1 MMBTU)


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    e.g. Exempli gratia

    E&D; Expenses Exploration and development expenses

    EA Environmental Assessment

    EBB Electronic Bulletin Board

    ECAR East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement

    ECPA Electric Consumers Protection Act

    EDRP Emergency Demand Response Program

    EEI Edison Electric Institute

    EHV Extra High Voltage

    EI Environmental Inspector

    EIA Energy Information Administration of the Department of Energy

    EIS Environmental Impact Statement

    ELCON Electricity Consumers Resources Council

    EMF Electro Magnetic Fields

    EPA Environmental Protection Act

    EPAct National Energy Policy Act of 1992

    EPAct 2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005

    EPRI Electric Power Research Institute

    EPS Earnings Per Share

    EQR Electric Quarterly Report

    ERA Economic Regulatory Administration (now called Fossil Energy FE)

    ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas

    ERO Electric Reliability Organization

    ERTA Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981

    ESA Endangered Species Act

    ESCO Efficiency Service Company

    ESOT Employee Stock Ownership Trust

    EWG Exempt Wholesale Generator


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    FAC Fuel Adjustment Clause

    FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System

    FASB The Financial Accounting Standards Board

    FCITC First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability

    FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement

    FELCC Firm Energy Load Carrying Capability

    FERC or Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

    FIFO First-in, first-out

    Fishway Fish Ladder

    FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act

    FOIA Freedom of Information Act

    FONSI Finding of no significant impact

    FPA Federal Power Act

    FPC Federal Power Commission

    FPS Firm peaking service

    FR Full Requirements

    FR or F.R. or Fed Reg Federal Register

    FRCC Florida Reliability Coordinating Council

    FS Forest Service

    FSO4 Final Standard Offer Four

    FT Firm Transportation Service

    FTC Federal Trade Commission

    FTR Firm Transmission Rights

    FTS Firm transportation service

    FUA The Fuel Use Act

    FUCO Foreign Utility Company

    FWPA Federal Water Power Act

    FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


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    GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

    GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

    Genco Generation Company

    GIC Gas Inventory Charge

    GISB Gas Industry Standards Board (now NAESB)

    GLDF Generator-to-Load Distribution Factor

    GRI Gas Research Institute

    Gridco Transmission Company (a Transco)

    GSF Generator-to-Load Distribution Factor

    GSR Gas Supply Realignment

    GSR costs Gas Supply Realignment Costs

    GT&C; General terms and conditions

    GTI Gas Technology Institute

    GW Gigawatt

    Gwh Gigawatt-Hour


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    HCA Host Control Area

    HEP Habitat Evaluation Procedure

    HHI Hirschman Herfindahl Index

    HQI Habitat Quality Index

    hp Horsepower

    HVAR Highly Valued Aquatic Resource


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    IBC International Boundary Commission

    IBES Institutional Brokers' Estimate System

    ICAP Installed Capacity

    ICT Independent Coordinator of Transmission

    IDC Interchange Distribution Calculator

    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

    IER Incremental Energy Rate

    IFIM Instream Flow Incremental Methodology

    IGIC Interim gas inventory charge

    IGSC Interim gas supply charge

    IGT Institute of Gas Technology

    IHR Incremental Heat Rate

    IJC International Joint Commission

    ILP Integrated Licensing Process

    IOS Interconnected Operations Services

    IOU Investor Owned Utility

    IP Implementation plan

    IPAA Independent Petroleum Association of America

    IPPs Independent Power Producers

    INGAA Interstate Natural Gas Association of America

    IROL Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit

    IRP Integrated Resource Planning

    IRR Internal Rate of Return

    IRS Internal Revenue Service

    ISO Independent System Operator

    ISO-NE ISO New England, Inc.

    ISP Incentive Sales Program

    ISS Interruptible Sales Service

    IT Interruptible Transportation

    ITC Investment Tax Credit

    ITS Interruptible transportation service


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    J.A.S. Joint Association Survey


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    KN Kansas-Nebraska

    kV Kilovolt

    KVA Kilovolt-Ampere

    kvar Kilovar

    Kw Kilowatt

    KWH Kilowatt-Hour


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    LBO Leveraged Buyout

    LDC Local Distribution Company

    LIBOR The London Interbank Offered Rate of Interest

    LIFO Last-in, First Out

    LIHEAP Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    LNG Liquified Natural Gas

    LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor

    LOLE Loss of Load Expectation

    LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas

    LPN Lender Participation Notes

    LSE Load Serving Entity

    LSF Load Shift Factor

    lsfo Low-sulfur fuel oil


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    MAAC Mid-Atlantic Area Council

    MAIN Mid-America Interconnected Network

    MAOP Maximum allowable operating pressure

    MAPP Mid-Continent Area Power Pool

    MBR Market-based Rates

    Mcf One Thousand Cubic Feet

    MDD Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations

    MDDQ Maximum Daily Delivery Quantity

    MDQ Maximum Daily Quantities

    MER Maximum Efficient Rate

    MFV Modified Fixed-Variable Rate

    MISO Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.

    MLP Maximum lawful price

    MLRA Major Land Resource Areas

    MM Used to denote million in gas usage

    MMBtu 1 million British Thermal Unit

    MMC Market Monitoring Center

    MMcf 1 million cubic feet of gas

    MMS Mineral Management Service

    MODFLOW model of groundwater flow

    MOU Memorandum of Understanding

    MP Milepost

    MRO Midwest Reliability Organization

    msl Mean sea level

    MSW Municipal Solid Waste

    Muni Municipality

    MVA Megavolt-Amperes

    MW Megawatts


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    NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards

    NAESB North American Energy Standards Board (formerly GISB)

    NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

    NARUC National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

    NASDAQS National Ass'n of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation Sys.

    NASUCA National Association of Utility Consumer Advocates

    NATC Non-Recallable Available Transfer Capability

    NBS National Bureau of Standards

    NCD Non-coincidental Demand

    NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures

    NEA of 1978 The National Energy Act of 1978

    NEB National Energy Board

    NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

    NEPOOL New England Power Pool

    NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation

    NGA Natural Gas Act

    NGAA Natural Gasoline Association of America

    NGL Natural Gas Liquids

    NGPA Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978

    NGPSA Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968

    NGSA Natural Gas Supply Association

    NHPA National Historic Preservation Act

    NITC Normal Incremental Transfer Capability

    NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service

    NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

    NOI Notice of Intent or Notice of Inquiry or Notice of Investigation

    NOPR Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

    NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council

    NPS National Park Service

    NPV Net Present Value

    NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    NRCS National Resource Conservation Service

    NREPA National Resource and Environmental Protection Act

    NRHP National Register of Historic Places

    NRI National Rivers Inventory

    NSA Noise sensitive area

    NUG Non-Utility Generator

    NWI National Wetland Inventory

    NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

    NYISO New York Independent System Operator, Inc.


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    O&M; Operation and Maintenance Expenses

    OASIS Open Access Same Time Information Systems

    OATT Open Access Transmission Tariff

    OC Optical Certificate

    OCS Outer Continental Shelf

    OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

    OFO Operational Flow Order

    O&M; Operation and maintenance

    OMP Operation and Maintenance Plan

    Ontario IESO Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator

    OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

    OSHA U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration

    OTAG Ozone Transport Assessment Group

    OTDF Outage Transfer Distribution Factor


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    PA Planning Authority

    PA Programmatic Agreement

    PBR Performance-Based Regulation

    PCB Polychlorinated biphenyls

    PD Preliminary Determination

    PGA Purchased Gas Adjustment

    PHA Production Handling Agreement

    PHFFU Plant held for future use

    PIDX Petroleum Industry Data Exchange

    PIFUA Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978

    PJM PJM Interconnection, LLC

    Plan FERC's Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan (when used in gas certificate proceedings)

    PM Particulate matter

    PMA Power Marketing Administration or Fed. Power Marketing Agency

    PM&E; Protection, mitigation and enhancement

    POD Point of Delivery

    POR Point of Receipt

    PPA Power Purchase Agreement

    ppm Parts per million

    Procedures FERC's Wetland & Waterbody Construction Mitigation Procedures (when used in gas certificate proceedings)

    PSC Public Service Commission

    PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration

    psig Pounds per square inch

    PTDF Power Transfer Distribution Factor

    PTP Point to Point Transmission Service

    PUC Public Utility Commission

    PUD Public Utility District

    PUHCA Public Utility Holding Company Act

    PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act

    PX Power Exchange


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    QF Qualifying Facility

    QFs Qualifying Facilities

    QUAD A quadrillion Btus


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    R/P Reserves-to-Production

    RAB Regional Advisory Body

    RAS Remedial Action Scheme

    RATC Recallable Available Transmission Capability

    RC Reliability Coordinator

    RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

    RCIS Reliability Coordinator Information System

    RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act

    RFC ReliabilityFirst Corporation

    RFI Request for Interchange

    RM Rulemaking

    RMR Reliability Must Run

    ROA Return of Assets

    ROE Return of Equity

    ROFR Right of First Refusal

    ROI Return on Investment

    ROW Right-of-Way

    RPM Reliability Pricing Model

    RRO Regional Reliability Organization

    RSE Revenue Stream Estimate

    RTG Regional Transmission Group

    RTO Regional Transmission Organization

    RTP Real-time Pricing

    RTU Remote Terminal Unit

    RUS Rural Utilities Service


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    SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

    Scf Standard Cubic Foot of Natural Gas

    SCO Stranded Cost Obligation

    SEC Securities and Exchange Commission

    SERC SERC Reliability Corporation

    Secretary generally refers to Secretary of the Commission

    SFEIS Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement

    SFV Straight Fixed-Variable

    SGR State game refuge

    SHPO State Historic Preservation Office

    SIC Standard Industrial Classification

    SMPs Special Marketing Programs

    SNG Synthetic Natural Gas or Substitute Natural Gas

    SOL System Operating Limit

    SPCC Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasure Plan

    SPP Small Power Producer

    SPP Southwest Power Pool, Inc.

    SPS Special Protection System

    SVC Static VAR Compensator

    SYD Sum of Years' Digits


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    TBS Town border station

    TC Total Cost

    Tcf Trillion cubic feet

    TCR Transition Cost Recovery (Mechanism)

    TDU Transmission Dependent Utility

    TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1985

    TLR Procedures Transmission Line Loading Relief Procedures

    TOP Transmission Operator

    TOU Time-of-Use

    Transco Transmission Company

    TRM Transmission Reliability Margin

    TTC Total Transfer Capability

    TVA Tennessee Valley Authority


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    UFLS Under Frequency Load Shedding

    U.S.C. United States Code

    USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture

    USGS U.S. Geological Survey

    UVLS Under Voltage Load Shedding


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    v. Versus

    v Volt

    VA Volt-Ampere

    VAR Volt-Ampere-Reactive Unit


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    WACOG weighted average cost of gas

    WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council

    WIRAB Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body

    WMA Wildlife management area

    WPA Waterfowl production area

    WPI Wholesale Price Index

    WQC Water Quality Certificate

    WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council

    WSPP Western Systems Power Pool

    WTP Willingness to Pay

    WY Water Year


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