Medical Devices

Navigate the Medical Devices Section

Products and Medical Procedures

Approvals & Clearances, Home Use, Surgical, Implants & Prosthetics, In Vitro Diagnostics, more...

Medical Device Safety

Alerts & Notices, Recalls, Report a Problem, MedSun, Emergency Situations

Device Advice: Comprehensive Regulatory Assistance

Device Advice, FDA-CDRH's webpage for comprehensive regulatory education.

Digital Health

Information about CDRH's Digital Health Program

Science and Research (Medical Devices)

Science at CDRH includes laboratory and field research in the areas of physical, life, and engineering sciences as well as epidemiological research in postmarket device safety.

International Programs

International Medical Device Regulators Forum, Medical Device Single Audit Program Pilot

News & Events (Medical Devices)

Medical Device News, Videos, Workshops & Meetings

Resources for You (Medical Devices)

Information of special interest to specific audiences and stakeholders.

Page Last Updated: 11/30/2018
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