PDQ® Cancer Information Summaries: Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies

This page lists cancer information summaries maintained by the PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board.

Summaries Being Regularly Updated

These summaries are reviewed and updated to reflect findings from recent research.

Topics in Complementary and Alternative Therapies (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Acupuncture (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Antineoplastons (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Aromatherapy With Essential Oils (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Coenzyme Q10 (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Laetrile/Amygdalin (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Medicinal Mushrooms (PDQ®)
patient | health professional

Milk Thistle (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Mistletoe Extracts (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Summaries No Longer Being Updated

These summaries are no longer being updated. No ongoing studies are being conducted for these topics. The summaries are provided for reference purposes only.

714-X (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Cancell/Cantron/Protocel (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Cartilage (Bovine and Shark) (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Essiac/Flor Essence (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Gerson Therapy (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Gonzalez Regimen (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Hydrazine Sulfate (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

Newcastle Disease Virus (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional

patient  |  health professional

Selected Vegetables/Sun's Soup (PDQ®)
patient  |  health professional