The President’s Management Agenda lays the foundation needed to address the critical challenges where Government as a whole still operates in the past. This is one of many steps to building a stronger America and providing 21st century services Americans can expect today and tomorrow.

View the PMA (PDF)

Most Americans may not think about the Federal Government every day—but when they need Government services, they expect them to work.

The business of the Federal Government is to serve the American people. But public trust in Government is declining to near-historic lows because it’s not meeting the American people’s expectations. Government must transform its outdated approaches, technology, and skillsets so that the workforce of today can meet the needs and expectations of the public tomorrow.

How do we get there?

Rather than pursue short-term fixes that quickly become outdated, this Administration is investing in deep-seated transformation through the President’s Management Agenda. This agenda lays out a long-term vision for modernizing the Federal Government in key areas that will improve the ability of agencies to work on behalf of the American people to:

  • Deliver mission outcomes,
  • Provide excellent service, and
  • Effectively steward taxpayer dollars.

To move from vision to action, the Administration will focus on modernizing three key drivers of transformation:

  • Modern information technology (IT) will function as the backbone of how Government serves the public in ways that meet their expectations and keep sensitive data and systems secure.
  • Data, accountability, and transparency will provide the tools to deliver visibly better results to the public and hold agencies accountable to taxpayers.
  • A modern workforce that builds on the Administration’s proposed civil service reforms to empower senior leaders and front-line managers to align staff skills with evolving mission needs.

In order to advance change across the Federal enterprise, the President’s Management Agenda is establishing Cross-Agency Priority—or CAP—goals for each of the three key areas.  These CAP Goal will be led by an interagency team of senior Federal leaders and staff. Because accountability is important part of the PMA, CAP goal results will be tracked publicly each quarter online at .