Health Promotion and Communication Team

Team Lead: Ashley Andújar, MHSA

The lead health communication unit for domestic and global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-related disease in CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.

Mission: Providing clear, useful information on the many uses of water, WASH-related illnesses, and specific ways to stay healthy to the public and professionals in water-related roles.

The Health Promotion and Communication Team develops and disseminates information and materials for a variety of audiences. We work with all Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch teams and WASH-related groups across CDC to create and share health promotion materials, training and education tools, marketing and advocacy documents, and scientific information and data in a variety of formats. In addition to educating and informing the public, we also provide information and materials to state and local health departments, Ministries of Health, clinicians, researchers, industry groups, and other domestic and global partners.

Our team:

Graphic: CDC podcast discussing the importance of handwashing

CDC podcast discussing the importance of handwashing

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