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Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Meal Benefit Income Eligibility

Last Published: 08/26/2015

These links contain prototype forms with required information that must be provided to households and day care home providers:

  • Letter to Households: Child Day Care and Tier II Providers and Adult Day Care
  • Letter to Tier I and Family Day Care Home Providers
  • Meal Benefit Income Eligibility Form: Child Day Care and Adult Day Care (with Instructions)

Note: States are not required to use the attached prototypes, but must ensure that the information is provided.


Meal Benefit Income Eligibility Form - English

Meal Benefit Income Eligibility Forms in Other Languages
Arabic Greek Kurdish Samoan Thai
Armenian Gujarathi Laotian Serbian Tigrinya
Chinese Simplified Hindi Mien Somali Traditional Chinese
Creole Hmong Polish Spanish Ukrainian
Croatian Japanese Portuguese Sudanese Urdu
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