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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

About FERC Offices Office of Energy Policy and Innovation

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Office of Energy Policy and Innovation (OEPI)

What We Do
For the Commission, the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation (OEPI) coordinates the development of policies and rules that address emerging challenges in the electric and natural gas industries. We work to develop Commission policies that:

  • Evaluate the energy markets and interstate grid to improve economic efficiency, system operations, and reliability in light of new developments and in response to state and federal public policies;
  • Evaluate energy market rules to ensure adequate compensation for resources responding to system needs;
  • Remove barriers to ensure access to the market and grid by all resources; and
  • Enhance coordination between wholesale electric and natural gas systems.

We come from a diverse set of disciplines. In our work on Commission policies, we engage in a range of activities:

  • We lead research projects on energy market design.
  • We perform economic, engineering, and technical analysis of the energy markets and translate the results into policy recommendations.
  • We assess industry trends and innovation in the electric and natural gas industries and identify regulatory barriers to innovations.
  • We evaluate the outcomes of recent policy changes on market participant behavior and market operations.
  • We provide technical and policy-oriented analysis to support the Commission’s review of industry proposals.

By these efforts, we collaborate with other Commission offices on internal issue papers, public staff reports, Commission rulemakings, orders on industry proposals, and technical conferences. We also reach out to industry members, market participants, public power and other regulators – from state, federal, and international bodies. Our outreach informs our analyses and policy recommendations.

OEPI is led by Office Acting Director Jignasa Gadani

OEPI Organization Chart
(Note: Click for larger image)

    Office of Energy Policy and Innovation Organizational Chart