
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

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Vacant Building Enforcement

DCRA’s Vacant Building Enforcement Unit (VBE) is charged with investigating and classifying vacant and blighted buildings within the District of Columbia. Below you will find the information you require in reference to Vacant Buildings in the District of Columbia.

Featured Services

Home Occupancy

Register Your Vacant Building
Register your vacant building ONLINE.

Determination Letters

Verify Your Building Is Occupied
Got a notice from DCRA’s VBE? Make sure you verify your property.


What Can We Help You With?


Vacant Building Information
Looking for specific information?  Get the important you need right here.


Vacant Building Services
Need services from Vacant Properties?  Get a listing of all services right here.


Vacant Building Documents
Looking for a document?  Get all of your documents right here.


Vacant Building Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions?  View the Most Frequently Asked Questions here.



Contact Vacant Building Enforcement
Need to contact us?  Get our contact information right here.