Some programs of the Treasurer’s Office require that key collaborators use forms to get business done. Here for their convenience, we have gathered together in one spot, links to various forms pages on our web site.


(LGIP) Local Government Investment Pool forms; More: LGIP page

LOCAL Program

LOCAL PROGRAM Forms, Instructions; More: LOCAL PROGRAM page

School Bond Guarantee Program

School Bond Guarantee Program Forms and overview


(TM$) Treasury Management System Log-On Authorization form
(ACH) Automated Clearinghouse Credit Authorization form
(ACH) Automated Clearinghouse Authorization Revocation form

(TM$) Treasury Management System SecureAccess Washington (SAW) Link

AFRS/Transfer JV

(AFRS) Agency Financial Reporting System In-Process form
(Transfer Journal Voucher) Transfer JV form; More: Accounting and Fiscal Services overview

Cash Management forms and instructions; Overview

State Lease/Purchase Program

State Agency Lease/Purchase Program Forms, Instructions, More: State Lease/Purchase Program Page


(PDPC) Public Deposit Protection Commission forms

Donate To State

Donate to the State of Washington


Articles on our work and partners, and how we intersect with education, infrastructure, and finance.


Videos and podcasts featuring State Treasurer Duane Davidson.