Video Franchising


On September 29, 2006, the Legislature passed, and Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law Assembly Bill 2987, the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (DIVCA). Prior to DIVCA, cable television franchises were issued by cities and counties. DIVCA replaces that system with one in which video franchises are now issued by the CPUC, rather than these local entities. DIVCA's goals, which the CPUC and its Communications Division staff implement, deal not only with video franchises, but with increasing the deployment of broadband infrastructure within California, particularly to unserved and underserved areas. These goals are the following:

  • Create a fair and level playing field for all market competitors that does not disadvantage or advantage one service provider or technology over another
  • Promote the widespread access to the most technologically advanced cable and video services to all California communities in a nondiscriminatory manner regardless of socioeconomic status
  • Protect local government revenues and their control of public rights-of-way
  • Require market participants to comply with all applicable consumer protection laws
  • Complement efforts to increase investment in broadband infrastructure and close the digital divide

DIVCA Frequently Asked Questions

General Order 169: Implementing the Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006

DIVCA Annual Reports to the Legislature: Annual reports to the legislature analyzing aggregated data provided by holders of state-issued video franchises in accordance with DIVCA.

Resolutions and Decisions:

Applications Received by the PUC: 2018| 2017 | 20162015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Franchises Issued by the PUC: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 

   Key Video Franchise Renewal Dates  

 Comments on Renewal Applications

See Applications Received section for posted renewal applications

List of Cable Television Corporations

The following are franchised state Video Service Providers who have voluntarily warranted to the Commission that they are operating as Cable Television Corporations under CA Public Utilities Code Section 216.4:

All Franchise Territory Map

Annual Reporting (for Franchise Holders):

Application and Instructions:


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